
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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I'm trying to stay strong. I tried killing myself the other night, but my brother walked in on me and asked what I was doing. I cried for 5 hours straight. I can't do this much longer. I have nothing to live for

Pop up, text me you don't have to tell me who you are please just talk to me you can do this I promise you your future is going to be amazing and you need to be here to see it please please don't leave.

Your.voice.is.amazing.so.sh.I.love.you. :) (ps oh ofc you don't have to reply to my text where I say I love you. Nope. Ok. ;) )

Ily ily ily

Chan, just smile beautiful. Don't go punishing yourself. I always look for you in school to make sure you're okay. I have loads wrong with me. Depression, eating disorder, anxiety problems, self harm, self esteem issues... You want to know what's keeping me going? My friends. Let your friends help<3

I'm so proud of you, stay strong x

you have such a beautiful smile, i really wish for you to live every day happily and with enjoyment, you can do it! you can pull through<3

Thank you so much x x x

Every day I see you, I check if you are happy and well, and those days when I see you with a smile really makes me feel good, knowing you for so long, it's been so hard to watch this happen to you, but I always have hope that you will pull through and I KNOW you will that's why I'm always checking(:

You're truly amazing

words cannot describe how amazing you are but here's an attempt. you are just perfect in my eyes tbh and anyone who doesn't see this must be blind. you don't deserve any of this,channing. it confuses me how someone so amazing can think there nothing but so. you and Corey are so funny too!! :'3

Muahhaha ily ok? You're amazing mwah x

There is no need for me to pop up right now. I've said I'm going to give you some space before I speak to you again as sometimes I feel like I'm annoying you but just know I do hope you are okay right now and I'm so proud of how long you've been clean for. Just smile for me x

Trust me there is:c
You'll make my day if you pop up?:cx x x

(...) you and met you. You try your best to be happy and hid how you really feel but I've seen you slip and seen how upset you can get, and it's not nice. We aren't very close but everything I am saying is true. I am always here for you like you were for me, you helped me a lot stay strong beautiful

Please please PLEASE pop up?:-(

A month and a half? My lovely, I am SO proud of you!! That is so amazing! Well done sweetie, stay strong! You deserve it :)xxx

Ily mwah xxxx

You are the most beautiful, inspirational teenage girl I have ever met. Do not deny this ,any of this because it is utterly true. You don't deserve what you have been through, and what you are going through. You are an absolutely lovely amazing girl and I'm literally so fucking glad I spoke to (...)

I'm smirking so much at my screen thank you so much seriously this is jut wow ><
Who are you though o;?

Is Corey okay? Is anyone there for him atall?x

Yeah, I am and Ryan and Jamie and him are sorting things out :)x

I actually do care I even popped up to see if you were okay, didnt ask what happened and you were so rude. In fact, you're always rude to me

I had 20 people pop up yesterday and I'm a rude person I think you should get used to it sweetie


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