
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Where have your profile pictures gone?

I deleted them a while ago, I was really upset and deleted half my pictures on Facebook because of how much I hated them it sounds silly but yeah

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Are you and Jamie going to get back together??x

Honestly haven't a clue, I think it's best for his sake if we don't.x

Why did you always say you didn't love him?

I didn't know I did, I always told myself not to love someone.. It'd be so much easier, but eh may as well face truth.

reply on facebook would ya? :/

Honestly not in the mood to speak to people, and don't think I'm being rude if I ignore you in school today please, I'm just being a sensitive bitch as per.

we're best friends please stop saying this stuff it's annoying tbh.

Lol I have like 4 best friends and you're definitely none of them so sorry to disappoint but I don't class you as a best friend and I'm annoying I know get used to it yh

In my opinion, I think you're perfect. Although, I know you will not agree with me because of the little voices inside of your head telling you I'm lying. However, I do think you're perfect and when you're old and wrinkly, you'll realise how true all of the compliments were :-)

:( thank you so much

I hate it when people tell me I'm beautiful or amazing. It makes me cry because I hate being lied to and it reminds me how much I suck. Does this mean I'm depressed?

No, but I do understand your feelings. If you think it is abnormal go see a councillor.

"would you get with him?"

1) don't know him well enough
2) just got out of a relationship
3) currently sat here crying due to past relationship
4) don't want to rush into another relationship for a long time
5) he would never like me


Language: English