
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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'been sat here on my own crying my eyes out for the past half an hour sliced my hand open on a piece of glass' leave him alone omg

not on purpose!? i threw something and it sliced my hand when i threw it, and it's not your fucking business stay out of it

stop making jamie feel guilty by saying you cut because of him- thats a disgusting thing to do- thought you were better than that you bitch!

awkward when i haven't said or nor have i self harmed over him..dick'ed

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Tbh I really didn't want this to happen, I am really upset I just really don't want to go into this as it makes me feel worse, I really do care for you Channing and I'm sorry

don't you even dare, if you cared that much you would have put up the smallest fight for me, but you didn't you just asked for your fucking clothes back because that's all you really fucking care about, been sat here on my own crying my eyes out for the past half an hour sliced my hand open on a piece of glass when i threw something and bruised my knuckle on my punchbag and you were PERFECTLY fucking fine so don't pretend you're upset because you are fine, and you are only posting this on ask so people feel sorry for you or think you've done nothing wrong fucking text me if you want to talk, you're just being selfish but idec have fun with the next girl that walks into your life and as I said before hopefully she'll actually not be fucked in the head, and not cause you shit, and be actually attractive and go fucking ice skating with you.

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Stop asking about Channings private buisness. If she wants to tell you she will. If not GO SHOVE A FUCKING CACTUS UP YOUR BLODDY ARSEHOLE! Love from Me xx

thank you :c


he's going to find someone an amazing, who'll actually be attractive, and nice, and go ice skating with him, and wont be fucked up in the head, and will be capable of love, it's fine.

you and lauren then ey?

fuck off, i just broke up with my boyfriend, just because she's my girl crush doesn't automatically mean we're going to get together now does it.

why dont you go out anymore! channing:'(

It's all my fault as per usual don't worry he doesn't even care just asked for me to give him his stuff back (t shirts and stuff) I'm like sat here half broken but s'all cool guys

you act like youre boyfriend is corey.. i feel so sorry for jamie!

No I really don't you don't even know me you cunt and it's perfectly fine no one has to feel sorry for him anymore as we don't go out:).

You're so gorgeous! Channing, you are genuinely beautiful, and you can make jokes about specsavers or me lying or whatever, but you are genuinely stunning. I know you won't believe it, but it's true:)<3

I love you so much ok?
Liked by: Ryan


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