
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Such a pretty, brave face to hide such terrors that you've faced. Such a beautiful, caring personality to hide all the torments and mean words. I look up to you *even though I'm older* You're actually such an inspiration. Please never change yourself, except to recover :-) xo

I love you xo

(C) there was my whole nan situation, and then my bestfriend situation, and my nan situation....(c)

Aw lovely that really sounds horrible:(, can't you try and find George now?:( want to talk about the other situations?:(

I think he likes the pain of it cutting his fists, like he doesn't seem to mind them bleeding he said he has gloves for it but doesn't use them on purpose.. I'm a bit worried, help him please

Sigh okay

He said that his hands were bleeding a bit from using that boxing thing you got him, does that count as self harm?

It's boxing so I don't think so..

Is it true that Jamie self harms now?

I really fucking hope he doesn't, I don't think it's true but we don't talk anymore. Ask him?x


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