
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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What does cutting yourself feel like the first time? Dw I'm not thinking of trying it

No, because it'll trigger others.

I'm really ugly. I'm actually ashamed to go out of the house now. When I have to drag myself to school, I spend most of the morning fighting tears. And when I'm upset I get really angry and shout at people, so I'm losing so many friends.

I know how it feels but honestly you're not ugly at all, you're just telling yourself it seriously. You are beautiful. Don't push your friends away though lovely, I think you should talk to a school councillor about how you're feeling to try and boost your self confidence, because people judge easily and end up giving up if you get mad with them when they're trying to help:\

For someone who is supposed to be depressed and think she's really ugly and can't look in the mirror without crying, you take a hell of a lot of pictures of yourself.... Don't do a video answer, can't see them

I don't look like I do in person in photos, I understand your point, but I'd rather you say it nicely rather than being horrible about me, and don't you dare say "supposed" because I know for a fact, ugh your opinion is irrelevant I DON'T CARE GO AWAY OK.

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5 boys and girls you miss from Fairfield? ;D

uhrm idek i hate thinking about primary so wah asdufhdjghgflhk idk who are you

Shut the fuck up with self harming like fucking grow the fuck up you bunch of sick twats like if ur going to self harm go in to the woods and don't tell anyone like fed up of you ation seeking cunts like !!!!!!!

Or alternatively you might want to go to English lessons?


Language: English