
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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if looking back hurts you, and looking forward scares you, .. stop, .. look beside you, ... and know i will always be by your side

And you are

you are the only person that has kept me from self harming again.. i cant say how thankfull i am :)please stay strong! and fuck anyone else who upsets you! i was looking through your ask fm and i am really worried, dont let these fucking dickheads destroy your life, you have loads of people who care

Thank you so much and so proud of you! Stay strong x
Liked by: Lauren bailey JJ

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Channing I want to be with you, I'm not stuck with you, it's my choice to be with you, I LOVE YOU! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


You're amazing Chan, we all love you and I'd be very lost if you were gone tbh :/ please stay strong and keep your special smile on when you can! ;) Will be here for you always, not going anywhere! Ily! :D x

:( thank you:/ x x

Channing, I'm worried about you, I love you and I want to be here for you, you are my world, the day we met was the way of my life, I would be insane if you were gone, my life would be a spiral into a dark abyss, you make me so happy, stay strong beautiful, I love you <3 <3

No you deserve better it's not fair for you to be stuck with me.

we are worried beautiful, you know you mean the world to me I can't explain it, I don't know what I would be like if I hadn't met you, I don't know what I would do with myself if you were gone, you know that I need you in my life, I love you:(

Sigh I love you rachael, this brought tears to my eyes and I don't know why aha

help me, i literally cant stop crying, idk what to do im scared im going to do something stupid

Please pop up!? What's up:(?

Of course I want you to be happy, suicide is not the answer, nor is it an easy way out, I know that. But you should turn to your friends more, like Tesni and Rachael, they are seriously worried about you and so are many others, so please don't feel like you're a bother to your friends xxx

If you want me to be happy, and I say me not being here would make me VERY happy then how is it fair for you to make me live in pain? I can't turn to my friends more as ill feel more guilty and hurt myself more, they are not worried, sigh I'm sorry thank you xx

"do you want me to be happy" quit begging for compiments wow

What? I just wanted them to say yes so I could say something back?:|

you seriously think that channing finds it funny? have you seen how frustrated she gets when people joke about it, she's not as sick as that!


why do you think suicide is funny, everytime you say it about yourself you're just like 'lol' or 'haha'? It's not funny, you seriously don't realise how many people love you and want you to be here! So please don't say stuff about yourself like you dying is funny xx

okay, so let me ask you a question, do you want me to be happy?

dont you get depressed or overwhelmed when people keep dumping there problems on you when you are also depressed, eventhough i dont see why your gorgous and kind and just a genually nice person buh dont it make you even more depressed?

it makes me forget about my problems, so it distracts me aha

You're shit !

yes, i am, don't like what i do / say delete / ignore me, or send me enough hate till i kill myself lolz xoxoxo

You go on about how hard it is to stop self harming and then you simply tell someone "well stop now then"

no, they said they want to stop BEFORE they get addicted.


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