
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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It makes me so upset seeing how much help people in my year get from our year tutors because they smoke or have boyfriend issues and I get no help for anything when I only have one parent,they are dying. I have an illness that makes me struggle in school and I self harm. I hate school,tips me over

Deep breathes lovely, school sucks and they're pathetic and can't help but ugh, why don't you go to Llandough or see the school councillor?x

Would you mind telling me again, I don't sit here refreshing your page every two seconds, I obviously missed it

Woah don't be snappy with me or I won't help jeez

hehe thank you! we were planning on walking around town anyway but i was scared we'd run out of things to talk about and it would get awkward:( maybe cinema but we want to get to know each other so we can't really talk at the movies:/

Go food then cinema then:D!

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Channing, you're one of my closest friends, but I need to do this anonymously, I know i'm bi, and only one person really know it, if I tell my other friends, I think theyll think i'm weird, help?

Why won't you tell me lovely?

I know, my school is horrible:( And sadly, yes he really is worth it. We've been like best friends for about 9 years now, he's helped me through a lot of my self-harm and lots of other things like that and he's always been there, we are literally best friends :'(

So he should accept you then

Guessing you don't wanna answer about the pain thing then...no worries, knew you were lying when you said you were here to help anyone with anything and give advice.

I answered it and then deleted it because I don't want loads of sex questions..

hey, completely new anon:') just wondering if you have any ideas for things to do for two people? sounds cheesy but i'm going out with the guy i like on the weekend for the first time but we don't know what to do together:( it might end up like a date but idk, we've got no ideas:(

Cinema then wander round town go into your favourite coffee/fast food restaraunt and talk, just the two of you and just aw it'd be adorable or cinema afterwards? Preferably I scary movie so you may need a hand to squeeze if you know what I'm saying;)..

If I come out as bisexual everyone in my school will absolutely torture me, they have SOOO much held against me already, they will laugh in my face and make my life hell, and I just can't do it!:'( Also, my best guy friend in the whole world has said previously said he thinks bi people are weird.. :

Well is he worth it then? And your school is sick.

I can't pop up, you know me and I hate people knowing that I feel like this... at least on here no-one knows who I am:'(

Exactly I won't judge you or tell anyone please lovely

I'm so sorry to put this on you, but I don't know where else to go, I know you have other crap going on & it's ok if you don't care... I can't do anyof this anymore Channing, I'm so close to ending it all.. I cut & it's getting worse & idk if I could actually go through with it, but I'm tempted..

Pop up lovely xxxxxx

I'm really worried about losing my virginity to my boyfriend, we've been together 7 months and I love him and we've spoke about it and I know we are both completely ready but I'm scared about how much its gonna hurt, any advice?

In my opinion if you're ready go for it, you love him he loves you, pain shouldn't stop you, it's going o happen sometime lovely x x

im a girl but im to scared to come out what do i do

Why lovely? I'd start by telling your closest friends, just say you like girls, and they should accept you and if they don't you know what? Fuck them. Because they are NOT worth it, you are you whether you like girls or guys it shouldn't change ANYONE'S opinion on you, so just gradually let people know and as people confirm it from you, they'll find out and if anyone says anything tell me and I'll have a word with them;), but they're not worth it if they judge you I respect you you can do this lovely x

#admired. By a year 11 helping unfortunate young ones going through hell! you are absolutely amazing ! sensational, beautiful, amazing! Definitely enough said;) x

Qtie ehe

Opinion on chloe taylor, yanno the skank

You mean the beautiful amazing girl that I texted earlier? Oh yeah she's really nice:)


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