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Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Posters of what?

hm, favourite bands and things I like and I want some inspirational quotes to stick on my wall to cheer me up:)x

I'm a guy who's had like a couple of girlfriends and shit, but I find dicks attractive and really wanna suck one?:/ but I hate the idea of kissing a guy or being in a relationship with a guy. Any ideas on what to do? Am I gay or?

lovely, how am I meant to know whether you're gay? You have to figure this out by yourself, experiment I guess, that's what us teenagers do, but don't hurt anyone.

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H.O.P.E- Hold on, Pain ends..you're beautiful and mean the world to me, here every step of the way, I will help you through this:) I love you xoxo

as I am always here for you my beautiful girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You've helped me so much :) Your strength has given me hope and your help has given me a future. I love you xxx

aw yayayaay, ily xxxxxxxxxx

I find girls hot sometimes and I get a little jealous when my friend gets with a boy,but I'm not bi or lesbian? Because I've always liked boys,any ideas?

you might be bisexual, or you could be at the age where you're just thinking about what you like and experimenting or whatever:)

Why don't you shoosh, because all she ever does is help people, she's helped me through almost everything so be quiet

aw ily

if you wernt with jamie and you was with me ( a girl ) would you finger me ??

if we'd been in a relationship for a while yadda ya then I don't see why not aha

I have a boyfriend though, I'm confused, you're the only girl who turns me on

maybe it's like a girl crush, they're really cute, I had one before, you can have like small crushes but they don't make you bi/lesbian or anything:3
who are you :3?

You're not helping people. You have no idea what you're doing, you just pull random shit out of your arse and think its helpful

not at all, and I know for a fact I'm helping people, so yeah fuck off.

I 'gizoogled' your ask fm and this was what one of the questions/statements came out as "I dunno, you just do, I be thinkin itz cause yo ass is so gorgeous n' also so kind n' help gangstas all tha time n' yo ass is so carin n' gah nom"

I am so confused


Language: English