
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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It wouldn't, nothing anyone can say will help anymore:'( I just want to die, it would make life so much easier on everyone else:'(

That's not true!

About the anti-depressants - thankyou. A few people I've spoken to said that it made their urge to cut and suicide thoughts worse... so that didn't happen to you?:/xx

There is a SMALL chance but no it didn't happen with me and hopefully won't with you xx

How did you tell your parents about you self-harming? How long were you cutting before you told them?xx

Uhm, I didn't tell them the school did and gah uhm, idk I don't really want to say details about me

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How are you on anti-deoressants? Is it fluoxetine? Did you have any side-effects? Sorry, it's just that I might need to go on fluoxetine too:/

Uhm, I was on 10mg (medicine- tastes DISGUSTING!) that's what they start you on.. Then after a month they see if there's been any change and there wasn't so they put me up to 20mg which was a tablet, and then after a few months they saw I was getting even worse so uppered it to 30 or something and no I haven't had any like bad side affects, x

I can't cop with this anymore Channing, I can't pop up because I don't want you to know that it's me, but I can't deal with life anymore, I can't deal with what I have become... I seriously can't do this anymore:'(

Why can't you pop up:(? It'd help:(

Tht actually felt good getting off my chest. those words mean a lot. I duuno how to get back into an eatin routine. I'm glad I spoke out. Thanks for this. feel good you've got ask

That's good! Just start by eating small meals throughout the day and gradual increase them:) always here x

Your an amazing person, advice is a great power to have and can let you achieve great things in life, keep it up

I'm trying:)

I started starving myself few weeks ago because my fathers in a coma. I see my mum sitting next to his bed, not eating,moving, speaking. I've become weak. I hate speak to my friends about this cos they'll be too sensitive towards me and I push them away.i guess that's a Start:/sigh

Okay beautiful, your dad would not want to see you like this, he'd want you to be standing there strong and hoping for everything to go for the best and he'd want you to support your mum, so try your hardest to smile and be happy and you can't starve because that'll ruin you..x

You are quite judgemental even if you don't realise/mean to be, you assume no one knows what you are going because they insult it when they could be going through the same thing but resent what they are/ what they are doing, please respect my opinion, I respect you and hope you get better x

I'm not judgmental at all but alright

still hurt me okay just because i dont follow society like that, no wonder its in a state :( and why the hell should i be pressured to follow it becuase if i dont i get attacked just like i did by you

You weren't attacked:L, it's not the whole of society who love demi lovato it's just me just go away ok you're annoying me now

I'd pour my heart out but I dunno how too, I've stopped sharing feeling this is the only way.l I can get someone to hear me out

Just spill what's wrong how it started tell me anything and everything big or small? Start simple if you like x

GAAAAAH SAME but you're my inspiration and idol and amazing person that i love so much and i can trust and yay and everything like that because you're perfect and so strong

You're so cute :'3

i said who is she then gave you a compliment then you affended me simply because i dont know who she is so you automatically judged me for it :(

That's not judging that's me being over protective over my perfect idol silly I was being sarcastic anyway I'm just surprised

to the person who doesn't know demi lovato.. WOW OMG LISTEN TO HER OR READ HER STORIES OR SOMETHING SHE'S BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND AN INSPIRATION.. and looks like channing;) and channing's all of the above anyway but hey :D


i dont think so now because you have affended me :'( your so judgementally rude

How have I offended you? I just want to help people please don't make me feel guilty I'm not judgmental at all:(


Language: English