

Ask @Yveltal96

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Have you every caught a shiny scizor? (without cheating devices)

I don't use cheating devices. I received one in a trade from a trustworthy friend (his name is Tinsect) but I have never caught one myself.

why would i ask you stupid stuff?

Because that is generally all people ask on here. What a stupid question.

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Gagmgwgwgtajakg.wmg.mga,mgwptjbmgwpkmatmadawgjhdwibmgwgmpjptpmgmgjgmpwpj.a.mgmg what language is this?

North Korean.

do u **** swampertismyhomeboy

I am not sure what I have done that would have given you that idea. Especially considering she lives like two states away.

it rtyuiopokijuhgtfrdeswdcvbnm,,csdyf vuyvyudr jbyrhg ygy gytfggbbbgbggbf7txfcgvhubnjimk,l4azsxdrcftvgbhnjmk,l234567890-edfgvbhnjmk,lfc bhnjm,tufgyhjn km,r tfygubhnijfvghbnjmk,ltyujkl;rtghjk,cvbnm,.vbnm,c vbnmsxdcfvgbhjksxdcfvgbnhjmkazsxdcfvgbnjmk,asxdcfvgbhnjmk,l.;azsdcfvghnAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA

congratulations sir, that is a keyboard you are using
Liked by: Syntax

i am ur worst nightmare mwahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahahhahhahhahhahahahhahahahhahhahhahhahhhhahhahhahhahhahhahahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhah

stahp I will eat your heart

I can't wait to meet your third brother in October when we get the master of Xerneas and Yveltal and he makes his account called *insert Pokémon*96.

I can't wait to meet this imaginary third brother as well YPR


Language: English