
Revoluție Rebeliune

I also have a Punk centric AU fic you might enjoy, So Much More Than Meets The Eye. It should be right on top of the list, I had to do some corrections on it after proofreading the other day.

MrsSpidey’s Profile PhotoRobin
I'll be sure to check it out! :)

Latest answers from Revoluție Rebeliune

Do you trust people easily?

No. I still don't trust my boyfriend fully, and I've known him for 11 years!

Cu cine ai vorbit ultima dată la telefon?

Nu-mi amintesc, când am prefera mesaje pe vorbind la telefon. Dar persoana care am trimis SMS trecut a fost sora mea.
(For those who don't speak Română: I can't remember, since I prefer texting over talking on the phone. But the person I messaged last was my sister.)

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Come talk to me when it happens. ;D

What color do you wear most frequently?

It's a three-way tie between blue, pink and black, me thinks.

What are you wearing right now?

A tank top that is white, greys and a hint of purple in the front and purple and black striped in the back that says "Rock Angel", black holey jeans, white and purple trainers, and STEAM PUNK GOGGLES YAY :D

Language: English