
Abi Burden

Ask @abidawnx

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what sort of a question is that?! if you are going to say ''hi'' fucking text me or pop up on skype! waste of a question.
i saw i had a question and was getting all excited thinking i could laugh at some hate or some desperate pervert trying to get in my pants, BUT NO. just some retard who has nothing better to do with their life!
grrr ://
i'm sorry... rant over...
Liked by: ya yoko mais

i agree with your post on maddie's wall about chris,dw if you'll get shit for it,she'll realise it sooner or later xo

thanks but what she doesn't realise is i'm not having a go at her, i was telling her and then she decided to call me a bitch? fucking pathetic if you ask me :/ but i'm not going to argue with a CHILD so screw her :) xo

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Thank you for the compliment! I know it was only because I liked your status, and even though you probably didn't mean it, I still appreciate it:)

no honestly you are beautiful! you just need to believe it x stay strong :*


Abi Burden
Like this if you have ever :
- made your self throw up
- starved
- took a razor to your skin
- felt like your not good enough
- thought about suicide
- attempted suicide
- burnt your self
- got bullied
- been called ugly/fat etc..
- or harmed your self in any way
- cried your self to sleep
- been abused
I will send each and everyone of you something nice
stay strong <3

On 16/4/13, everyone who self harms,is suicidal,depressed,has anxiety,is unhappy,suffering a broken heart, just lost a loved one,ect. Draw a semicolon on your wrist. A semicolon represents a sentence the author could of ended, but chose not to.The author is you and the sentence is your life. ILY x

everyone please do this, it's an amazing idea <3 ily2 x

if am saying it to be friends i would talk to u as anon :D anyways am just telling you the truth of what i think <3 its ur choice to believe it or not

do you have skype? <3
Liked by: ya yoko Kody Allen


Language: English