
Adrian Lamo

Its clear that you felt it was fair to report Chelsea Manning because he was a threat to the safety of our country. My question is: If you were in the same situation with Edward Snowden would you also turn him in or do you believe he helped the country? Would you keep the identity of anyone secret?

Had I known everything Snowden planned to leak and where he was going to go? I don't think anyone outside USG would ever know his name.
As for your second question, I've kept and still keep plenty of identities secret in various contexts. I've threatened to resign to keep sources secret.
People tell me about their hacks and situations all the time. It's a totally different thing than having someone confess a history-making blow against your nation's state security, and I still maintain it has to be lived to be understood.

Latest answers from Adrian Lamo

Do girls have a higher chance of getting into an elite college as a computer sci major?

Well, given how hold this question is ... you tell me?

Have you been in India? Also do you work or something?

No and yes, respectively. A lot of folks have expressed interest in seeing me in India, so it's something that will probably happen someday in the not-too-far (but also not immediate) future.

I'm member of 2600 - unmoderated facebook group is this the group 2600 you talked about

No. The unmoderated group is purely a fan group and lacks any connection to anyone with any tie to the magazine.

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