

Ask @andreysu

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Will you ever come back to Osu?

Tger201’s Profile PhotoJayson Thani
I guess I have a little bit of time now before college starts so maybe, but my freshman schedule is pretty wacky (like 8:00am-10:00am + 6:30pm-9:20pm classes...) I can't get too carried away and I really need to start focusing on school, please understand :<
(oh yea, sorry for missing your stream this morning Q_Q)
Liked by: Jayson Thani

Dude...... Your hilariously better than HDHR and I want some tips! Also I say that we're par on most things except HD ur better at that.

Tger201’s Profile PhotoJayson Thani
Ok.....well I've only started playing HDHR at the beginning of this year so I'm still trying to find out what works best for me, but what I do is play maps that are extremely challenging and play it through regardless of acc. Then when I've warmed up a bit I play maps that I'm familiar with or FC'ed before with HD or nomod and try to get HDHR scores with them. Then switch back to playing really hard maps with HDHR. Basically you want to keep pushing the boundaries of your skill and try harder jumps/streams with HDHR but making sure you don't overdo yourself.
Liked by: Jayson Thani

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But I want to learn from you! Specifically from you!!! >///<

Tger201’s Profile PhotoJayson Thani
You won't learn much from me honestly, you've proven to be on par or better (<- it's this most of the time) than me on hdhr and that's the only thing I'm good at. If I can teach you anything it's to play hard but take breaks. Yea idk what else to say you're that good.
Liked by: Jayson Thani

Opinion on Tger201? :D

Tger201’s Profile PhotoJayson Thani
Ayy lmao its tger. You have always been an improving player. One day you're fcing hd with crazy acc and the next day you're hdhring with crazy acc. I just can't keep up with you, I haven't been able to ever since we met :P I know you can meet any goal you set cause you're just that good, trust me. Don't depress me saying "I'm not good" cause even you know that you can break any barrier ahead of you. Just know that I'll support you the whole way :3
Liked by: Jayson Thani

Happy new year! :D Any goals?

CroSu’s Profile PhotoCroSu
Happy new year! I have my own personal goals, but I'll keep that a secret because I know some people may not be happy with it.

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