
ℐewel ℳae ツ

Ask @ayejmaeee

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he broke up with me last month. he told me to move on. and now, he tells me he loves me again. should i believe him? orrrrr? am really confused.

just follow your heart . if you still love him and you haven't really moved on , go for it . but if you kinda moved on and you don't have that much feelings for him anymore , then i guess you should just tell him you moved on . maybe you'd wanna talk to him and ask him why he likes you again and stuff , to be sure he really does love you . hope that helps :)

Do you know what ----> \m/ <-------------- that thingy means? :OOO

yeah , it's like the "rock on" sign . like when you're in a concert and people throw their hands up and stick their pinky and pointer finger out ? or when they take pictures like that ? yeah that's the one \m/

What do you do to fall asleep?

look at the ceiling , think of perfect moments that are never gonna happen , count sheep . lol jk no one counts sheep haha

What's the movie that made you cry?

i think the last movie that made me cry was Hachi , a movie about a dog :'( xD it was so sad !

What's one animal you would not want to come face to face with?

a big poisonous snake . oooh man i'd run faster than Usain Bolt LOL jk but yeah ya feel me ?


Language: English