
ℐewel ℳae ツ

Ask @ayejmaeee

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If Justin's music does get effected and he becomes wreckless, will you still be a fan?

of course haha , although i don't really count myself as a belieber , he'll still be Justin , so yeah :)

Are you happy now that Jelena is over? If not why?

no way man . Jelena was like the cutest teen couple tbh . and you know .... you never know if the break up will effect Justin's music ... since he says her name in some songs .... and he makes great songs , hope he doesn't downgrade on it .

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Say the name and before my laptop runs out of battery, BILISAN MO. Don't share it in twitter so you dont get embarrassed. xD

i dont care about showing it on twitter i'll just delete the tweet xD umm .... Nat ? IF YOU SAY IM WRONG I'LL NEVER GO ON THIS AGAIN AHAHAHAH

I think you already know who I am tho. xD Just say the nameeeee! :3

but you already know your name aii sus -_______- xD

but.. thats not my name.. :c

i know hahahah but i think your name has 3 letters in it too ..... if im wrong then omg embarrassing LOL

name top 3 of the people you miss talking to.

the top 3 people i miss talking to areeeee ...... you , Kelvin , and Ann .

is there anyone you miss talking to?

hell yeah . too many to mention doe . it's like they all just lost interest in talking to me or something .... oh well .

What do you want for Christmas? :)

you. ehhh , hmm let's see ...... I want a pillow pet , Nutella , clothes , money , andddd that's all I could think of right now haha

what super power would you like to have and why? :D

cнεℓz ツ
I wanna have invisibility , I so can secretly slap the shit outta people xD the power to fly , cause flying looks so cool , and mind reading powers so I know what people are thinking :)
Liked by: cнεℓz ツ

What's your life goal? Like what do you dream of being?

i don't even know man .... but for sure when i grow up , i'm gonna travel and stuff :)


Language: English