

Ask @Baconfry

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Those who succeed in life just happen to have been born with the magic ticket that is called Talent, would you agree or disagree? And why?

Bullshit. Talent is like a ten-yard head start on a mile run. If you don't put in effort, you will fail, regardless of how much talent you had in whatever field it is.

長い間ご無沙汰しておりまして申し訳ございません。十八歳 の 誕生日 を おめでとう ごさいます -Steve of a Thousand Naps

SteveofaThousandNaps’s Profile PhotoBalmung
Skype me you dumb bunny

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What i mean by that if someone who does things that you would find impressive like art or incredible feats or great writing skills or fancy building and so on, and you find said person who does said things impressive, but you have not expressed it.

then maybe i forgot

Is there someone who you consider " cool " but you still didn't say so because reasons?

If there's someone I consider "cool", the only reason I wouldn't say so is because my memory has failed me. Context?
Liked by: Jetstream Infinity

I was not excepting this so soon... As long as you wear what I have in mind (can't post pics in a question >_>)

I have a banana suit
Liked by: Josh

I know where you live... -Kaneki Ken

My Steam account says I live in Palo Alto, California. I've mentioned living close to Stanford several times. And yeah, my activity fits pretty neatly into the Pacific timezone.

Do you know Japanese? If so, is it your native tongue?

I'm actually flattered to be asked whether Japanese is my native tongue! Sadly, it's not. I only started learning it around this time last year, in fact. But dogged determination can go a long way. It's not an easy language, but it is so much more useful than people give it credit for.

Were you secretly in love with Steve?

Steve was our forum butt monkey, whose words were always considered comic fodder and had no real value to them. Half of them were most likely tall tales. Many of us had been targeted by Steve back on TO and wished to see him suffer. All in all, not a very romantic figure, if I must say so myself.
Liked by: James Trombo

How do you feel about all those bad suggestions that get spammed over all the dev walls?

Oh my god. Who does that little cockroach think he is? Just who the hell does he think he's talking to? Hmm? How old are you, punk? I've never seen a person with such a high pride-to-brain-size ratio! Please leave these forums, and do the human race a favor: don't reproduce.


Language: English