
Brian Patrick Davis

Ask @blacksocialite

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What happened to 730? Are you and Ronnia still cool?

yup. rihanna recently had a birthday. we're cool. uhm, I think that blogs and stuff kinda took over. rihanna moved and got a great job in cali, and people's attentions just got focused elsewhere. it was a fun time though!

Hi sweetheart we dont know each other but ive been following u on twitter since 2009 any new music that comes out i auotmatically go to your page to get your opinions on it and ever since 2009 you have never been wrong thanks honey and be blessed

thank you! I appreciate that. music is my true passion, so I try be on top of it. seems like we have the same musical taste then! you should gimme your twitter name so I can follow you! <3

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have you ever had sex with a celebrity?

what is a celebrity? I've had sex with someone who is known, yes. but I don't really consider athletes celebrities. unless you're just like, a huge player.

Are you a bottom? I wanna pound you hard

ha! right to the point, huh? I think I've answered this question before. I also thought it was pretty obvious!

you're sickening. that is all.

aw, thank you. I appreciate that. people usually use ask.fm to say negative things rather than give props, so I much appreciate it.

Why do they say you look down on the younger homosexual crowd in Atlanta?

I don't know. I don't really hang out with the younger homosexual crowd in atlanta. not only that, but they're not really that much younger than me. and I'm actually interested to know who "they" are. "they" sounds like people who think I should be giving them their life and I don't. because that type of shit doesn't matter.

brian can you give us the final version of fuck u silly?? since it already leaked and nicki recycled her verse on it...the only way it will ever be heard is if you let us have it! ask cassie! i'm sure she'd be fine with it

I'm not leaking anyone's record. I don't break trust of people who have confided in me and sent me records.

When I first started following you years back, I admired you, your style, everything! But I feel like you come off as rude or a "I know" attitude when someone gives you a compliment or just in that matter. I just thought you would've been nicer. No offense or anything btw.

you can't please everyone. honestly, I'm not rude to people I don't know, and I'm not rude to people who are being complimentary. I'd be interested to know how I "came off" that way. I'm sorry that was your perception, but you're honestly the first person that's ever said that to me. I feel like if I was being nice to you, or anyone else for that matter, people just want a reason to call you fake or act like you were being some kinda way other than yourself. I'm not rude and I don't think of myself as someone that deserves compliments, so... I'm not sure what to tell you. maybe it wasn't my delivery, maybe it's how you took it.

could you tell us the names of the records you have at least brian? :( love u!!!!

I have one called "sit," the final version of "fuck u silly."

follow you on twitter, i love u! you kno cassie? you should leak some of her really old stuff from like 2008-2009 that won't be used anyway...

LOL. I only have a couple of records that are unreleased, but I wouldn't do that to her!

You're friends with Cassie??? Get her to released HIDE asap please!

LOL. I think it might be going on the album, which is supposed to drop next spring.

You're friends with Cassie right? Have you heard any of her unreleased music and can you tell us about it? (names/producers/etc) THANK YOU!!

yup. cassie and I are friends. I have heard a lot of the unreleased music. every time we get together, cassie plays stuff. she has a lot of stuff. a lot of rico love stuff, a couple from pharrell. I think she has some kanye stuff. rob holladay (sp?), and a few other people. pretty much the usual suspects that she's always worked with.

How did you get urself out there?

as far as what? I think I really have just been involved in industry stuff from a very young age and those connections just sort of grew as I got older.

I miss when you used to blog. bring that back! and I'm not talking tumblr. some of us really miss seeing your individuality and thoughts. you're so great, we need to see more of you on a individual note.

I appreciate that. I really did love having a personal blog, I would like to get back to that, but it is so much work! however, I have registered a new domain and I've thought about bringing one back. we'll see!


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