
Brian Patrick Davis

Ask @blacksocialite

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Would you wear lipstick?

I don't wear lip colors, no. but sometimes, I might give you a nude color gloss just because it looks good with bronzer. but I don't see the point in wearing pinks, reds, colored lips.

Are you into photography?

I was at one point. I think I'll probably get back into it sooner than later. I was really into it in college.

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What do you think of the documentary Paris is Burning? What are some of your favorite gay history moments?

I love "paris is burning." I think it's amazing, and I think people should watch it so they can know where their lingo and all of that comes from. I think we need something similar to that now, so we can see how the face of the gay lifestyle has changed. because it's very different from then. it's all about life now.

What do you think people's perception of you is before getting to know you?

I never really thought about it, because I don't care. people who don't know me, and have perceptions or make assumptions, don't really want to. so I'm not bothered by it!
I assume that people think I'm stuck-up.

What cheers you up when in a low mood?

this is an interest question because I am not really in bad moods a lot. my friends cheer me up, immediately though. I don't like messing up other people's moods, so when I get around people who are in good moods, it really just helps me to be in a better mood.
also, food. LOL. food is always comfort.

Most embarrasing moment?

I'm not really clumsy or accident prone, so anytime that I fall in public is really embarrassing for me.
one time I slipped and fell in the middle of lenox mall's food court, on a saturday afternoon with food in my hand. needless to say, it was very embarrassing. for the duration of that day, I was "that guy that fell in the mall with that big scarf on." it was bad.

Ever wish you were born way ahead into the future?

not really. the only time I WISH I'd been born in another time is me wishing I was a teenager in the 1980's. I think I would have had so much fun back then.

Do you think meeting people would be easier if EVERY gay/bi guy was registered on a dating site?

it depends. are you interest in just meeting people? or people of quality? I don't think everyone being registered to a dating site is a good idea. that just leaves room for us to just completely forget human interaction. I would prefer to just meet someone through mutual friends or something like that.

What's the oldest you would date?

well, I'll be a year older next week. I haven't really though about this question, but I guess the oldest I can see myself considering to date is 36. I guess because the closer to the 40's you get, the less I feel like I have in common with someone.

Have you ever farted loudly unexpectedly in public before?

no. not that I can remember. LOL. I'd be mortified and SO embarrassed if I did.

What do you make of B. Scott?

b. scott is super sweet. I've hung out with him on a couple of different occasions, in atlanta and in LA, and he is just really nice and fun to be around. proud of him and all his success!

Do you watch My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic? It has a large male adult following.

nope. but I wouldn't be opposed to it. what channels do they come on?

Have you ever said "no" to a cock that was too big?

first of all, "cock?" LOL. secondly, this is a really weird question because I haven't had a lot of sexual partners, and I have never had casual sex. so, no, I have never said "no" to someone because they were too big. if I was having sex with them, it's because I was in a relationship with them...

You make me smile

thank you! that's important, to make someone smile every now and then. I'm glad I do that for you!

What did you honestly think of Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime performance? Was it something you expected? Did you want something different or more?

I loved it.


Language: English