
Brian Patrick Davis

Ask @blacksocialite

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Marry, Screw, or Kick to the curb. Lance Gross, Robin Thicke, LL Cool J

marry robin thicke, screw LL cool J, and kick lance gross's ass to the curb.

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Where do you think is a great place to go on a first date?

NOT the movies. I like more intimate restaurants that a whole gang of people don't know about.

Are you attracted to guys with deeper voices or voice does not matter?

I tend to like deeper voices. they just turn me on. but it isn't like, a deal breaker.

What did you think of Tyler Perry's movie "For Colored Girls"?

don't think I'm weird, but I actually like watching it.

Favorite Beyonce song, vocally?

vocally?! HARD question. I would really have to think about it. but off the top of my head, I love what she does with "start over." flawless!

Who would like to see host the BET Awards this year?

I don't really think award shows really need hosts anymore. I don't think they drive the show like they should. but I liked queen latifah when she hosted it.

Do you think Nia Long is a good actress, and I wonder why we don't see much of her anymore and she's beautiful

I like nia long, but I don't know if I think she's a dynamic actress. I've never seen her in a big enough role to really have any feelings about her acting.

Where is a good place to shop for nice men's jeans?

I pretty much only wear levi's. I don't believe in buying expensive jeans, just for the name.

Who is your favorite interviewer? Who do think is a good journalist?

I don't know about that, but my favorite interviews to watch are on the breakfast club. I always get a good laugh.

Real World or College Hill? Which was your fav season of both shows?

I never really got into either, really. I think the last season I probably watched forreal of "real world" was the one with ruthie on it, honestly.

Do you wish more quality black films were being made and put in the movie theaters?

most definitely. I like to see different representations of black people too. I honestly feel like I never see black people like me in movies.


Language: English