
Brian Patrick Davis

Ask @blacksocialite

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Is being a diabetic hard on you as a young adult

not really. I've had diabetes since I was in the 5th grade. it's more of an inconvenience than anything else.

When your laying around the house do you ever get sexy for yourself

elaborate? I'm not sure what you mean. I don't sit around in the house and wear lingerie, if that's what you mean, no.

Do you live alone? Or have a roomie to dance around with?

nope. I don't live alone. I don't know how much dancing we do together though. my dancing pretty much goes down alone in my bathroom.

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What was your visit to the dermatologist for if its not too personal of a question

to keep my skin pretty! I go to the dermatologist just to make sure I keep my skin up, switch up products and all of that. but I honestly went for a consultation for laser hair removal.

Weed smokers. Turn on or turn all the way the fuck off?

it's neither a turn on or a turn off for me. cigarettes though, I hate. my thing about smoking weed is, don't let the shit control your life. if weed controls everything you do, let the shit go. but other than that, if you're a social weed smoker, or if you do it just as a stress buster and you have all your shit under control, there's no harm it. just make sure you don't be stank all the damn time.

Have you ever had a one night stand?

in the sense of having sex with someone that I did not know and slept with? no. in the sense of having sex with someone that I did know and never having sex with them again, yes.

Is it offensive or annoying when someone calls you "girl" during conversation? If so how do you politely check the bitch?

it's annoying if I don't have that kind of relationship with you. if I just met you, don't call me "girl." I'm not your girl, so don't refer to me as such. if someone does it, I just let them know that we don't have that kind of relationship yet. I don't have to get nasty with them. I've never really had anyone cross that line with me though.

No more nail polish?! What happend

it was my new years resolution like 2 years ago to stop wearing it, and I haven't turned back. I don't know, I just stopped wearing it. however, when I get pedicures, I get polish on my toes. it's always a fun surprise since I don't wear my feet out. dead.

Lets play a game called marry, fuck, and kill. Gucci Mane, Trinidad James, Birdman. Go!

marry birdman, because he's been in the game for a long time and it shows he's got staying power and stability. fuck trinidad james because anybody that ugly has to have amazing dick to keep the hoes flocking. and kill gucci mane just because there's no saving someone who's lips constantly look like frosted mini donut holes.

Can you PLEASE bring back the #playlistclub? PLEASE! Your compilations were always amazing.

I was thinking about it the other day! I shall! seriously, that was so much fun!

Do you see yourself working with ConcreteLoop forever? When do you think you will move on from it? Also, what's on the website's agenda in 2013?

I love working for concreteloop. :) there are some new things coming in 2013 that I kinda have to be tight-lipped about, but just know there are some new things. as far as stepping away from it, I don't really see the point. I've been doing it so long and me and angel have a really good relationship, and I don't have any complaints. I'm not at all interested in starting my own music blogs. they come a dime a dozen. angel has built an amazing brand, so I don't really see the need to stray from what she's created now!

Can you share the details of the nearly perfect valentines day you had so long ago

my boyfriend at the time was supposed to be out of town, but I was at his house anyway. when I walked in the house from class, it was completely dark in there, but on the dining room table, there were candles set up in the shape of hearts. and I could smell food. he stayed in town from work, and cooked me a nice meal. gave me flowers, jewelry, and we just spent the entire evening together. it was the best valentine's day I ever had.

What's sing makes you dance like a skrippa

the typical ones that make everyone else dance like strippers. pretty much anything that mike will made it produced.

What was most recent photo shoot for? How was the shooting experience?

a friend of mine is a stylist and she asked to shoot me because she knows that I'm willing to wear anything and I won't ask too many questions. it was fun. I'm awkward in front of the camera. but it was fun.

I adore how sincere you are with not only others but yourself. Have you ever thought of putting together a memoir bc I would surely love to own it!

it's so funny that you mention that; because a friend of mine said I should write one. I don't know if I'm patient enough to sit down and write it out. maybe one of these days when I can get more focused.

Do you intend on dying your hair?

no. I like the texture of my hair too much and I'm scared that dying it will make it brittle and dry.

Have you heard Dawn's 'GoldenHeart'? I can't get enough. What's your take? Favorite track?

I have heard it, and I like what I've heard. I haven't been able to get into the way I want to yet, to give a favorite track. but I'm proud of that album and what she's doing. also, a friend of mine produced TONS on the album. so I'm super proud and excited for him and what's to come of his career.


Language: English