
Brian Patrick Davis

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I was just readin through your questions and found it hilarious that someone thought that you and polow da don were an item! Is the man eve gay to your knowledge?!

only been in the studio with dude. don't know anything about his personal life.

What are you expecting from Beyoncé's new project? I really feel as though she's getting ready to punch everything with whatever she's got going on.

I don't have an expectations and I try not to make predictions about the sound, or what the single's gonna be. I'm just a consumer like everyone else when it comes to bey.

Do you like dance in the nude?

I do. I always play music in the shower. and then when I get out, I'm still dancing. and then when I'm putting on my clothes and stuff, it's a whole performance. just being honest.

Are you a bottom? If so, are you a power bottom?

I am a bottom. I'm not really sure what would make one a power bottom, so I'm not really qualified to answer that question. sorry.

How would you like Beyonce new single and album to sound?

I can never answer this question the way people want me to. I don't know what I wanna say about the sound, I can only express the people that I would like her to collaborate with. from what I've read, she's working with people that I want to see her work with. pharrell, justin timberlake - all people that I'd like to see a part of her project. I'd also like to hear her with ester dean again, I love what they did on "start over." I don't know what I want from her sonically, because she usually doesn't disappoint. but yeah. I'd like to see her do some things with kanye as well. I'm most excited about the pharrell collaboration. and I would love to hear her collaborate with blood orange, like solange did!

Where do you love to shop? I love your style.

I've found that a lot of my favorite pieces I find online. I don't like to give away my shopping secrets, but I enjoy asos.com, nastygal.com and a few other spots. I'm not a label whore, so most of my stuff comes from urban outfitters and american apparel. that's where I pick up most of my clothing. I do some thrifting too, but those have gotten really run through lately. I think I just do a pretty good job of mixing stuff up.

You are Beautiful, And You Inspire. Always Know That...God Bless :)

thank you. I'd love to know who this came from so I could say the same! god bless you too!

Ok, so I just watched a bunch of Cassie vids & interviews on youtube and I'm now a "believer" I like legit want her to win. You know her personally & you have a knowledge of the music biz...Why don't people buy her records?

the first impression of cassie live was a lasting one. and it left a bad taste in people's mouth. I think she should be forgiven for that, especially since recently, she has had performances of "king of hearts" that have been pretty good. it's sad that people won't let her live that down. also, people feel as though the only reason that she's a musician is because of diddy.

I recently heard that you were involved in an on again off again relationship with Polow Da Don, is there any truth to this?

no truth to that whatsoever. but if there were any truth to it, do you really think that I would reveal it here?

How do you think Beyonce can improve as a music artist or business woman?

that's such a hard question to ask. because she's so perfect. LOL.

I've been keeping up with you since 2006 & you still strike me as a genuine guy with a sweet centre. I wish we could hang out together, eventhough I live all the way in London! I'm following you on twitter as Lennox Benson. I doubt you'll remember me, but I thought it would be worth a shot :)

of course I remember you! what do you mean?!

Have you ever had fight (like throwing punches) with another dude or had a domestic violence situation?

not since highschool. and yes, I've had a boyfriend hit me before. needless to say, it ended after that.

i've been following you for a while, your style is amazing. i can tell by the way you carry yourself that you have a good heart, stay blessed. xo - B

that was sweet. thank you so much. I wish you'd reveal yourself! <3


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