
Britney K Wilson

Ask @britbrat08_11

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Why u never post any pics of ur boo, do u even have one

It's not insta business! I want people to assume just like you!

Where is your god son you use to always post pictures of him on Instagram ?

I have two! I had one last week and the weekend before that! Getting them both Wednesday!

How much is the tuition there my sister was thinking about putting her daughter in there since she was having problems in public school?

Idk it changes by grade and it's different for catholic and non catholic! I'll find out the first day.

This is Not a Question but im in Love with Everything about you , your just so perfect to me ! If i was your age i would try hard af to make you mine ! #NotThirsty i wish i was older

Thank you sweetheart!

Wow I though your son was too little to play football is this his first year? And when is his first game?

Yes it's his first year! And he's really small but he's 6! We're waiting on the schedule!

Do you speak to your old friends when you see them in public ?

Tbh you never run into messy hoes besides clubs and I don't club!

Did you fall out with your old friends first or they stop talking to you first?

I don't fall out with people! Some people are just really immature! People have stop talking to me because I don't condone mess! If one person don't like someone they get mad cause I have nothing against them and stop being cool with me!

Why your son don't participate in extracurricular activity ? They must don't have it for his age.

He actually does! Waiting on the season!


Language: English