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Latest answers from cellinael

ci ddeny cci gmn? plus pap dong

dlu gaada fans trus ga ganteng botak . skrng jd bnyk yg fans ktnya hahah . truss udh ga botak . udh putihh gym juga . ak ad foto tp pas dia msh botak
ci ddeny cci gmn plus pap dong

since i'm very bored i send this to all. i know this question is weird but i just want to know your answer. Is it important to celebrate your 17? (ppl call it sweet seventeen.) write your comment&reason WHY you should celebrate it below here⬇goodnight!

ga mesti sih rayain 17 san. msh banyak yang lebih penting drpa celebrate 17. drpda pakek duitnya 50 juta 40 juta gtu mnding buat hal yang berguna although emng itu psti penting bnget buat smua kbnyakan cwek. kalau ak sih mkirnya gtu yaa.. trus kalau ryain 17 alesannya ya karena itu cuman dirayain nya cuman once in a lifetime. gtu fang 💙

Language: English