
char from afar

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KRQ: Do you often have dreams in night? What is you worst nightmare?? (don't have to answer this one if you don't want to)... and have you ever had dream about tv show/movie/ship anything like that, do you remember what was it about? :)

Kate's Random Questions
Yeah I remember when I was obsessing over Bonnie&Kai&Damon in the prisonworld storyline last year...
Anyway I dreamt one night that I was Bonnie and I was stuck in the pirsonworld with Kai and Damon, and I was like having a flirtationship with Kai, but Damon got overprotective everytime he saw us talking.
One time Kai was like confessing his feelings to me/Bonnie and we almost kissed then Damon came in and interrupted us. I don't remember it that well anymore, it's a big blur now, but I think they got into a fight and I separated them and was mad at Damon and then I slept with Kai. LOL BEST DREAM EVER. Only thing better would have been a threesome.

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How do i compare. For an example i have more than about 10k on Instagram and about 10 subscribed on YT. xD

what? im not sure i understand what you're talking about lol

Do you think i'm able to make good videos without sapphire? (Because i can't find a working link lol)

of course lol. tbh i only ever use sapphire if i reaaaally have to. its not that important imo. but you can check the links in my christmas giveaway.. the one i have should work.
Liked by: Alessia Alle Ricci

Erm no offense. I loved your old videos these new ones I think you've adapted a new style which I'm sure many people like. But idk the old ones seemed more intriguing idk if that makes sense. LOL but I like how you're creative & all with the coloring that's nice.

-sings- What do you meaaaan?
no srsly, please elaborate... i'd like to know what is it you liked more about my older videos? honestly, im trying to clean up my editing a little bit, im still actually trying to get a handle on a way of editing, and lately ive been experimenting a lot.
which old ones do you mean for example?
and yeah idk, my ultimate goal in editing is to make clean and professional looking videos... which i fell like im failing at a lot xD But a lot of my older videos were all over the place. not that i dont like them, i love all of my videos, but you know what i mean. and well, if you mean cuz ive been editing a few videos ''simpler'' than usual, im actually working on a few that im putting a lot into...
and tbh, im starting to really dislike my colorings anyway, so..

hey there!:) do you have glitches while rendering? if no,how? can you please explain how to do,because I have fucking glitches everytime I render a video... Please help me...

im guessing you're the same person who sent me a question abt glitches a few days ago? i have no idea how to remove them, sorry. just check over your video before you render. or try a different format to render in. honestly, i dont think ive ever had this issue so i wouldnt know.

Your videos are literally goals! I was just wondering, what is the Element font in your 'The 4 Elements || TYS' video called ? It looks amazing!

It's called ''charizzaard's periodic table of elements'', I believe. You can't find it online cuz I made that font myself xD

On your latest Tys video how do you do the effect where it looks as if someone's typing with the little bar after the words

Liked by: Gusik

how do you get your icons and banner in such good quality? mine is always good in photoshop, but it looks less good on yt :(

idk, i always save them in png rather than jpg, i think that could be it. other than that i really wouldn't know

In your [My Soul To Take] video, the last quote ''If I sleep, I dream. If I dream i'm dead.'' where's that quote from? I watched the movie and I couldn't find it. Is it from the other movie you mentioned? :)

it's from the trailer, maybe its not in the movie itself... its been a while since i watched it xD

what characters share ur mbti personelity? :) would you say u r a lot like them?

AAAAH I saw this and this is all I needed to know.
Nathan is straight-up one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE ficitional characters
+ also, I found Pheobe Buffay, Pipi Longstocking, DANNY ZUKO FROM GREASE, Erica Reyes, Renekah Mikaelson, Kevin McCallister from Home Alone (HAHHA @LillDreamyProdz ), the Little Mermaid, Steve Urkel, Will (Prince of Bel Air)
HONESTLY, these are so on point xD Egoistic bitches/jerks or goofballs who literally can't take anything seriously, and go over the top with whatever they do or say? Or both? Yep. Me.
Liked by: Jessica

How old are you? I thinking you type like a 32 year old mom xD

UM, I'll take that as a compliment as I am an aspiring author, thank you very much. I'm 18, I didn't realize that I was supposed to constantly use words like LOL, jk, brb, idk, idc, and other abbreviations just because I'm young.
Why is it so bad to actually type like a normal educated person?


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