
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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I thought the point of this ask was if we had any questions we could ask you but obviously if you find it annoying then what's the point. I'm sure you were in others shoes too trying to figure out things so please cut us some slack not to be rude. Just my opinion...

''I'm sure you were in others shoes too trying to figure out things'' - well that's where you're 100% wrong. I found everything I needed myself. Back when I was ''figuring things out'', we didn't have ask.fm.
We had the searchbars of youtube and google, and they didn't answer back with the precise information that you searched for, they actually took some effort.
And, I'm sorry, but I fail to see how I'm the one being rude here? Since when is it an obligation for editors to answer all those questions? OH and since when is greedily asking for all these things NOT rude? Now see, this rudeness thing goes both ways. At least I'm open about it.
And no, that's not the purpose of my account, the purpose of it (as it was since the beginning) is to have fun, maybe share previews and talk to other editors. That's how this started out to be, not as a site to ''share all editing resources and tips''. The fact that ''anons'' are trying to turn this purpose around is sad, really. But yeah, just reminding you again that I have this account on my free will and not answering questions about my editing is my right and it shouldn't in any way mean that I'm rude. Goes for all other editors on here, as I know I'm not the only one here with this issue.

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I get that you hate it when people copy you, I would be annoyed too, but some people genuinely might need help? Isn't it a nice feeling when you help someone out? I don't mean you should answer every single question but idk

im sorry for those that actually just want to learn things to use in their own way and i respect them and i would help them, but i kinda have to respect *myself* first, you know? im just tired.

i was asking myself the same hahaha didn't knew if i was following you or a vidding source anymore lmao they took the "santa char" very seriously. enough presents sweetie lol

that's so true. like i was scrolling through my ask page this morning and i realized that 80% of my answers are help questions for editing. like okay, no, im done. honestly im so pissed off too, cuz every little thing i saw about my editing, i see it copied immediately. like i am beyond done, i saw this one video recently completely ripping off all of my text effects. well so help me god, i'm never answering anything like that again, even if i seem like the biggest bitch but i am d-o-n-e with copycats. they all so fucking lazy to search for things themselves.
LIKE HOW THE FUCK do they think I learned all of what I know?!??!
Honestly, to all of the anons reading this who keep asking me for stuff - FIGURE. IT. OUT. On your own.
I've given out enough.
And you can hate me for not giving out any more, I don't really care.
#SantaChar is over.

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how do you put in editing with school work? like, any tips? im starting to stress out so much /:

well i legit currently have 2 months winter break... and my college in general isn't that stressful or time-consuming, just sometimes energy-consuming as we run around town with cameras and heavy-ass tripods. so i dont really have too much trouble with it. + editing is also a part of my college course xD so i can literally go to our computer labs and edit there.
but if you have a lot of schoolwork and if you need to focus on that, then do so. put school first, like make sure that your grades aren't dropping or anything. do your schoolwork first and then when you have time, take it to edit :) or like - spend one hour studying and then one hour editing, trust me you'll be more eager to do both cuz -while you're studying, you'll be inspired to finish quicker so you could edit, and while you edit, you'll be like - yaaas, FINALLY editing, let's do this, let's use up the time we have as best as possible.
hahahah oh god idk, i hope this somehow helped xD I dont have to deal with these issues but the above is what i used to do when i had to study but i also wanted to edit.

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One Last Time coloring is absolutely fabulous! I am gonna use it, in my next video!

thank you!! so glad you like it <3<3 it's one of my favorites too actually hahahh :)
Liked by: suicide thing

what laptop do you have? do you recommend any for editing?

hp pavilion dv6
and no, im sorry, i dont really have recommendations :/


yeah just double click on that little spot where it looks like you can write, and it should look like this and you can write whatever you want in there.

Did you know you can name the tracks in Sony Vegas to better find them/organize them? cause I saw that answer you gave of sometimes not being able to find the track you want in your project.

I do know that, but as I said I have very little patience when I edit, especially when I'm inspired - there's no way to make me stop and actually type in a name to a track... My organisational skills are non-existant and definitely overruled by my impatience xD
+ I am HORRIBLE at naming things. You should see the presets that I save for myself, like glow settings, color curves, gradient maps etc. They are literally called names like "dldbdjxbzmsjdbskakx", "yadayada", "bleh", "bleh2"
I AM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING!!! This is 100% literally the names I have for presets.

how do u make overlay ?

with sony vegas
idk just think of what you want and find a way to make it? i really dont know how else to explain this, if i want shapes, i cut out shapes from solids, animate them the way i want to, render them and use it. not much to it other than your imagination
Liked by: Rebecca

hey!! love your vids on youtube! what song did you use in the "the 4 elements II TYS" and "I wanna se you naked" videos? Thanks! :*

yngcult - the electric
kim cesarion - undressed

180 tracks? holly cow!!!! how long does it take you to render a 3 minute video (if you have like 90 tracks)?

Too long.
That's why I always prepare to take a nap while I render something. Usually takes up to like 1-2 hours. *sigh*

hi can you pls send me the triangles used in your selena gomez champayne like the little triangles in the intro if its an image or png pls send

Its an overlay I made and I'd actually rather not share that, cuz it took a while to make it and I'd like to keep it to myself I'm sorry, hope you undertand!
Liked by: Cursebreaker ☄

congratz on 8k!!

Thank youuu!!
I slept through it as usual... GOD I WAS SO PISSED OFF, like I was literally waiting for it when I was 2 subs away from 8K and then I fell asleep and I woke up to text messages from the Chanel group in the Focus contest and they were all like ''Congrats on 8k, Char!'' And I wanted to kill myself cuz this is EXACTLY what happened last time, I got too excited and then I slept through it.


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