
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS DEAR :))) and second one,i want to thank you for sharing sapphire,i had version 6,now i updated to 7 and there is a lot of amazing effects added!!!♥

Awww, you too!! Yayy, glad you liked it, hun <3

But I haven't said it doesn't work. I hope it will.. ;) I was just concerned because it doesn't have a patch, that's why :)THANK YOU ANYWAY!

ohhhhh, okay. yeah the nbfx doesn't, it just a simple installation, should work just fine!

hey perfections ! Merry Christmas, I wish you the best. hope you have an amazing christmas with the ones you love. I hope you eat too much ahah I love you :*

ahahhaha aww you too catty, thank you, love <3

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'm hoping you're having a great time! Do you think that you could eat so much that you'll start to fly like that lady in HP? should we pierce you or sing "I believe I can fly' and let you fly away hoping that you'll find Santa somewhere in the sky....?

I'm crying xDDD
no I can definitely NOT eat that much - firstly because I don't have that much food *sigh* AND second - because I have a really small appetite, I can never finish what's on my plate LOLOL it's so annoying, when you just wanna eat everything but you can't because you will literally throw up omg.

for how much time you change your banner/icon? 1 month or?

ummm, that honestly depends, i usually just change it when i get bored of the one that i have or when i like get an idea or a burst of inspiration to make a banner lol

what computer do you have? i had a hp pavilion and it died right after i got it lmaoo ((sorry if you already answered this))

yeah i have an hp pavilion dv6!
i dont know haha, mine works perfectly for me xD

I'm seriosly wondering how you have time for making these amazing gifts

Well I made them over the course of like a month and a half so it wasnt that much troble hahah. glad you like them!

I've already asked in the comments to your video but... Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!! I hope you don't mind, but would it be possible for you to post the steps for the One Last Time colouring as I REALLY love it but I can't download it with your link as I have a lower version of SV! Thx :-)

Em C
which version do you have?? because they should all work from sv10+
and unfortunately, that coloring has color corrector secondary in it, which means i picked colors from the scene, i dont think you can copy that as a step :/

Hey, I'm sorry to bother you (especially when it's Christmas.. btw Merry Christmas!), but it seems that the newblue (with v1-v5) is trial? Ohh, I just don't know what should I do first :(

it shouldnt be a trial, for me everything but the SP works absolutely fine. maybe try reinstalling, as i said i have no idea what could be wrong :/

gurl when and how are u gonna make that many icons and banners in a day

well i didnt make all of them cuz some i just rlly wasnt inspired for/didnt know what to do, but hopes-fully ppls will still like et, but am rendering the giveaway video now :)
Liked by: chris

Merry Christmas! So holidays are coming and I wanted to ask you: What meals do you prepare for Christmas Eve? What Christmas traditions do your family have? How do you spend your Christmas with family? (Ofc only answer if you want. I'm just curious how X-mas is celebrated in different countries) :D

Aww, you too!
Well on Christmas Eve, I usually stay at home with my mom, my brother and my stepdad and we open presents and watch movies/tv shows, then in the morning on Christmas Day we go to our grandma's house and we have a lunch & dinner there, which usually includes a looot of French salad, and my grandma usually makes fish for me and like chicken for the rest of the family. And of course a lot of cake/cookies etc. There, we open other presents, like from her or those that we bought for her and the rest of the family. There are some years that I spend Christmas Day with my dad and my sisters, usually the same thing - we open presents, have lunch and then watch TV, talk or play board games etc.
BUT, since I'm not going to be home this year, my celebration here in Scotland will be a little different. So tomorrow, on Christmas Eve I'm going to church, and then on the 25th I have a few friends gathering down in our common room to just hang out for a while in our ugly Christmas sweaters (which is like a tradition here, like everyone has to have an ugly Christmas sweater LOLL), and we're probably gonna eat (vegan pasta, cuz one of my friends is vegan), and then maybe have some drinks, play pool and watch TV! That's the plan at least :D

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What people so far have you made banner / icons of for your giveaway?

I'm still working on them (was gonna finish up tonight, but I'm so tired lol)
Banners - so far, the finished ones I have are - Chanel Oberlin, Harley Quinn, Kat Graham and Shay Mitchell. I'm almost done with a Klaroline one, and I have presets for other celebs/characters. Basically, I'm gonna be doing like 4-5 ish presets and then just changing little details, colors and characters to make different ones, so everyone can find something they like.
For icons, I have - Ariana Grande, Chanel Oberlin/Emma, Harley Quinn, Holland Roden, Kat Graham, Klaroline, Lily Collins, Lucy Hale & Malia.
And I'm still most likely gonna be doing - Nina/Elena/Katherine, Shay Mitchell, Lana Del Rey, Nicki Minaj, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Connor Walsh, Stelena, Stydia, Jerome (Gotham), Katniss, Tris, Amber Heard and maybe a couple more if I get any ideas. But these were the requested ones that I've got on my list so I'm gonna try making those :)
But that's basically it. I'm definitely hoping to wrap it up tomorrow so it's ready to upload on Christmas Eve :)

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Liked by: Judy ♛

Hey char I just want to say that you are such an amazing person! You have the biggest heart and you always support your subscribers and help them out. Your funny and so beautiful. You make my day every time you post or answer a question I love you so much! Thank you for everything you do! ?

Awwwwwww, thank you so much!!!
This really made my coming on ask feel a lot better hahahah, so thank you for that! I'm glad I can inspire you/help you out! :D
Liked by: V A R S H A

hey char!! sorry to bother you,but is it better to color after rendering a finsihed video or have everything colored thennnn render? and same with adding text! thanks!!

It's better to put a coloring on your clips as you edit, because if you put it on your rendered video, it can look a little weird and mess with your effects and text, and it also ruins the quality! So yeah, my suggestion is to always use a coloring directly on your clips - not on the tracks, not on the whole project - just the clips! The quality always looks much better that way :)

wow it must be so cool to study in another country! isn't it diffcult to communicate because of the language? or did you also speak english where you lived before you moved to scotland?

Thanks! Yeah, it's pretty cool hahah , kinda weird at first, but I'm getting used to it. And no, it's not difficult for me to communicate, I've been learning English every since I can remember, I basically grew up with it, so there's no problems with that. Although the Scottish accent can sometimes get REALLY thick and hard to understand, but it's all a good laugh in the end :D


char from afar
Alright so - to the countless questions and attacks I got about Christmas - I'm not going to answer them, cuz some of them are too painfully dumb for my eyes. I appreciate those who were respectful, but I don't wanna get into any further discussions because everyone has their own opinion.
Just want to clear out - I was not disrespecting other beliefs or religions, I didn't even mention other ones, I just talked about MINE, the one that my entire country shares, and many others. I know what my church taught me, and I know what Christians celebrate Christmas for - that is MY religion. You don't have to agree with it, I never asked you to, but I'm pretty sure every Christian who actually cares about these things on a religious level rather than ''just a holiday'' level, should also know this. We don't know when Christ was born or if he even existed for that matter but that's not important because I never claimed to know when he was born (cuz no one does), what I said is that this is when we celebrate his birth - the Holy night - the night of the 24th and 25th of December. He might as well have been born in summer, that's not anything we can know, but we took this date to celebrate it.
I'm sorry if my ''traditional'' ways of celebration offended you, but before you attack me, please do some research beforehand. Idk, google up Christmas eve and Christmas day, search up the meaning of these days and words. Because while some of you are trying to convince me I'm being disrespectful of other people's opinions, you are literally trashing mine. Double standards much?
And to the person who said we celebrate EASTER because Christ was born then - Oh my God. I honestly have no words for you.

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gotta say this we celebrate christmas on the 24th because Jesus was born then, but you might celebrate it the 25th and i the 24th because we have different timezones? i dont quite know how that works

Oh my God noooo, okay, Jesus was said to be born during the night and that's why there's a 'Midnight Mass', that's why Christmas eve is called the Holy night, don't you know that story with the 3 wise men, thei gifts and all that. But December 25th is taken as the date of his birth, as the actual Christmas. Time zones have nothing to do with that, ahh just read this http://www.whychristmas.com/customs/25th.shtml
I'm going to church on the 24th too, but it's made that way so people can spend the 25th with their families. There's also Midnight masses so like on the 24th at midnight transitioning to thr 25th to welcome/celebrate Christmas. But like, people in Europe apparently open presents on 24th and that's why so many of y'all are confused, but yeah the actual Christmas day is on the 25th, I don't even know why I'm having this discussion, like I srsly can't believe you people can't tell apart Christmas eve and Christmas day.
I mean even in Ariana Grande's song ''Santa tell me'' she says ''on the 25th by the fireplace''. LOLL I know it's not the best argument but it's true.
I don't know, look, people obviously have different traditions in different countries. But for me and my country - we have Christmas eve (Badnjak) on the 24th, and Christmas day (Božić) on the 25th. Yes we usually open gifts on Christmas eve because we're too excited to wait till Christmas, but we still consider Christmas to be on the 25th.

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