
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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So. 2015 is coming to an end. What are some of your highlights of this year? If you have related pictures please feel free to share. :3 (herp-di-derp also just ignore this if you don't feel like replying)

Zayum, so this year was... A transformation to say the least.
I certainly am not the same person I was at the start of this year, but I definitely feel a lot better now than I did at the beginning of it. I learned a lot this year, about life, about people and most importantly about myself. So, my highlights of the year would be:
→ Finishing high school
→ Getting into a film course in a college that I wanted
→ Trip around Europe (Italy, France, UK) with my family - seriously, the roundabout in Paris is the best thing in the world, I died laughing when we drove there.
→ Moving to Scotland - living on my own, learning to take responsibilities
→ My first drinking game with awesome friends I've made. Honestly, I don't remember last time I laughed as much as that night.
→ Meeting amazing people at college who I finally have something in common with, some people that I can have mature conversations with and people who don't judge me based on who I am and what I think
→ Reaching over 7,7k on Youtube??? Like, how did that even happen? Honestly, I'm so grateful for that, never thought I'd make it this far and so fast!
→ Making things right with a girl on Youtube that I was in a weird unspoken conflict with, and that we are now finally talking/getting to know each other
→ Cutting out two dumb-fuckers from my life back in Croatia. Oh my god, these two guys that have just been t-o-r-m-e-n-t-i-n-g me for years. I've finally cut ties with them for good and told them the truth in their face (and not in a very nice or conserved way, oh no.)
→ Finding myself? Or at least getting a lot closer to myself.
→ Honestly, the most important thing is that this year, I've finally learned to love myself for exactly who I am. And I've decided to ALWAYS put myself first, before anyone else and to give myself the respect that I rightfully deserve, because I've always wanted respect from others but I never got it. And you know why? Because I didn't give it to myself. Now that I know that, and now that I appreciate myself, everything is working out so much better, I don't have to try my hardest to get friends, or impress or talk to people, because they come to me and they notice me now a lot more than they used to. So I'm very glad I've figured that out. THAT would be my main highlight.
Thank you so much for this question, Hanna <3

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jesus wasn't born on december 25th :)

First of all - Jesus* with a capital J, give my mate some respect.
Second - I don't know about you, but that's what I was taught in school and at home, and that's how the whole Christmas day holiday thing was "formed", and that's what all of our Christmas songs say, but if you've got your conspiracy theories of him being born on a different date or not being born at all or your "scientific proof", I really don't wanna hear any of it. That's the date we Christians take to celebrate it, whether or not it is the actual date he was born. I have my religion and my beliefs, and I'll listen to those Christmas songs dedicated to the birth of JC as much as I want. K thanks :)

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WHAAT we celebrate christmas on the 24th lol

nooo, i think you mean christmas eve
christmas day is the 25th, but i think most people in europe open presents and celebrate on christmas eve, thats why its confusing
but yeah christmas is the 25th, thats when JC, my man, was born <3

gosh, I wish everything would be like that ? i m missing these babies so much noooowww, thank you.... :c but must say that the video is so perfect, ive missed your videos with them as well ❤️

Nancy ♡
awwww thank you hun <3 I've missed them too
Yeah, I know, it would have been so much better if it was Kai that she ran up to rather than Enzo.. I mean, can you imagine??? xDDDD That would have been an incredible plot twist, I bet it would like explooooode.
Liked by: Nancy ♡

Hey, when you get a new laptop how do you keep all your sony vegas files (plugins, presets, new blue) and all your clips (the royals, vampire diaries etc) because my laptop is on the verge of breaking

I dont know, try copying them to a hard drive?

oml your new bonkai video is amazing, like, i think im in love with it LOL, omfg, love the mini au style too mmmmmmmmmm bonkai is LOVE, bonkai is LIFE, seriously amazing job.

Thank youuu so much! Lol yeah, I missed vidding them, my babies <3 Honestly, I don't get that I can feel for two fictional characters as much as I feel for them, I mean I don't even feel that way in my actual life, is that concerning? They hurt me, I feel their pain.

Christmas is coming! Are you excited about it? And do you have any x-mas rituals?

I'm sorry, I need to re-answer this question. Last time I answered it I was super mad cuz I wouldn't get to go home for Christmas holidays, but my dad actually came through and I'll be going home on the 31st of December.. Ahhh I can't wait *-*
But yeah, I have plans for Christmas, I've invited a fella from my class group who is still in town over holidays to come hang out in our common room at the halls, there will be a few other people there too. We have a Christmas tree, our ugly Christmas sweaters, a TV and a pool table, so it should be fun :D
Liked by: Yasmin. Heather ✨

I wanna make you a Bonkai video but it'll probably be too lame for you ugh

lol nothing that involves bonkai can ever be lame! :D

Would you ever make a vine account? It's so much fun or maybe if you don't want to start your own account make a scream queens account ?? with me ?

first of all - i dont even know who you are xD
second - no, im actually quite happy with having my own youtube account, i dont think i could work with a 6 second limitation of videos, sorry :/

Do you have an account it Deviantart? :)

i think i might, but i dont remember what it is tbh.. xD i dont go on it or post anything so nyeeehh

it's a patch, and i believe it works on 64 & 32 bit

alright well, im gonna try to search for my 32 bit patch as well but if you have a link, i'd appreciate it! i'm probably just gonna make an answer here on ask with all the links to nbfx and sapphire, i can add it in

http://ask.fm/charizzaard/answer/133956252537 HOW EVEN TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!! I HATE PEELING THEM

LMAOO you have to like grab on that tiny layer of skin between the shell and the egg and carefully pull it all down LOLL, I've actually sometimes even managed to just peel it in like 2 swipes. BUT LIKE I am struggling with these Scottish eggs, they take me longer than usual. Maybe I'm jsut out of practice, but yeah everytime I'm peeling eggs with my stepdad and brother, they literally want to kill themselves because of how fast im done xDDD
Liked by: chris V A R S H A

I don't know if this will help but this was the closest thing I could find to the shirt. http://worlditgirl.tumblr.com/post/89054135336/here-it-is-the-ariana-grande-inspired-makeup hopefully it helps??

orphic loves
thank youuu <3<3 i guess it's a vintage then, ugh i literally looked everywhere, I saw a similar one but it only linked me to the official chanel site, and I honestly CANNOT find my way around for the love of god, like i just.. What is that site?!??! *sigh*
thank you though, im gonna ask my grandma if she knows of a more adequate and natural way to make that, instead of just painting it on the shirt lol, cuz the whole point is that I want the shirt to be classy, but if I go and do it with nail polish or fabric colors, I don't even wanna THINK of how that would look in the end xDDDDD
Thank you so much though <3 I'm going home in like 10 days so I'll definitely ask my grandma to help me make it
Liked by: orphic loves

Do you ship Augustus and hazel? And do you plan on making a video of them?

sure I guess??? Idk about the movie, I liked them waaay more in the book, and no I probably won't make a video with them LOLL, im not too into romance lately, especially not that kinda cheesy romance, I'm sorry ://
BUT, you can expect more of bitchy-type videos etc. Been more inspired for that recently :D
Liked by: Yasmin. Ryuko Sima

In your profile picture (by the way you're really pretty) how do you get the blurry background as well?

LOLL thanks! um well i basically just duplicate the track i have the picture on and on the track motion properties, i make it smaller than the one beneath, and then i just put gaussian blur on the one beneath. (Yes, I made it with SV, I'M SORRY, I make everything in sv)

My sony vegas track has gone all weird, do you have any idea for me on how to fix it? I've tried default layout but no use

i have no idea what you mean xD

videos of the day this time don't put only one video

i havent exactly watched any today?? sorry lol, i dont really watch that many videos, especially lately cuz ive been really busy with my own editing, i have way too many projects coming up


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