
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Would or will you ever put your videos out for commission (where people pay for you to make a video of their choice)? Why or why not?

LOL WHAT? That's a thing????????????....................
I AM pretty much so broke right now i had to limit myself to 2 meals a day lol.
...how exactly does one do this?
Liked by: chris Jer

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Do you curse out loud or in your head more?

I cursed out loud today. A lot. In the middle of Glasgow but in Croatian. Thank God no one understood... LOLL.
Liked by: nat Amna

so your name is charlotte hun?

nu, it's my nickname but tbh it's kinda just grown to be Char..... eh idk most people call me that - its just easier, especially now in college. but only few people from the vidding comm know my real name and no i wont be sharing it for privacy reasons.. dont use it much lately anyway, so Char it is :) + i get to make endless puns with it as i already mentioned, that's likely the best part.
Liked by: nat

Do you have any ideas for stiles\spencer video? The day you make a video with them is the day im gonna die of happines!!❤

I do lol i actually have a video with them in the works but its been almost a year so... Not really sure i'll be finishing it :/

For the focus contest. In the manips group, do you need to include a girl in the crossover/pairing?

Would be nice considering the main theme of the collab is "girly" but if you can somehow make it girly in another way, I'd be interested to see :D
Liked by: Cursebreaker ☄

after i download web dl versions of an episode i cant open it in vegas, so how can i view the 5 tracks to get the 1 track to remove background noise and only hear the person? in vegas? ive been confused about this for a while :/

You need to convert the episodes first! I use freemake video converter and i convert them to the basic mp4 preset and then when you open them in sv they should have 4 audio tracks. Because when you just download them, they have an mkv extension and vegas doesn't support that. So yeah, you definitelt need to convert them!

how much time you take to make a video?

Honestly there's no set timeframe, it all depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I can make a video in only a day or two if I'm really inspired and if I have time.
These videos (for example) are something I made in 1-2 days.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMqi76m8miYcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 mMqi76m8miYcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 mMqi76m8miY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE5wvQrP90wcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 dE5wvQrP90wcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 dE5wvQrP90w
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zEbg8ePzrAcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 9zEbg8ePzrAcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 9zEbg8ePzrA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg8Kj9G32kUcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 Jg8Kj9G32kUcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 Jg8Kj9G32kU
then there's those that took me months to finish xD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlH-zVXLKgcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 JTlH-zVXLKgcharizzaard’s Video 133512086137 JTlH-zVXLKg
*forced fake smile*
Liked by: chris

what is the place more comfortable to be in computer? bed or desk ?

depends for me on what im doing... like if im watching a movie or reading something then definitely bed, but if im editing or if im really trying to do something i need to concentrate on that requires mousework + typing then desk :)

Can you share with me one overlay for text effects?;( I can't find anything [ sorry for my English ]

i make most of my ''overlays'' on my own while i edit so i dont have them saved anywhere sorry!

next video?

Not sure yet, omg. I have a couple of projects I'm working on at the moment
→ "My Type" (a multimale video about my type of guy for SunnyVids' challenge)
→ TYS entry (I spent all day yesterday looking for original clips to use... Made my own things for it. God. I'm really putting a lot into this one! Right now, I'm going through the clips to see which ones to use etc.)
→ Bonkai & Maleo video (basically just a cool-looking video with some Bonkai&Maleo parallels + I'm experimenting with sound fx and random effects + text in this one, but it might take a while to be finished!
→ A Bonkai video! (Actually almost done with this one, it will be fairly simple but emotional cuz I missed my babies)
→ Noah&Audrey video :3
+I'm working on collabs with a few really awesome editors as well! :D
Liked by: Amna chris

what's your bro's account again? i want to do a collab with him ..

But from what i hear my mom forbid him from using the computer because APPARENTLY him and his few friends pretended to be selling drugs around school (it was actually plasticine) and they got in big trouble for it. I mean this kid.... He's just like his sister ;D
Besides he usually only edits when I'm with him cuz otherwise he loses patience, so I dont think that'll be possible, sorry!

I want to remake one of your old videos from xwateronfire to meetxmextherex to charizaard.. can i have your permission ? PS not revealing myself ;) and Promise to give you credit ;)

Yeh sure

how can you do the fade effect without changing the coloring? i do it on sv but when i do it the coloring of the clip changes along with the effect and it looks so bad. ive noticed in your vids when you do it the clip fades to black but the coloring stays the same. how can you do it the other way?

You have to use your coloring on each clip separarely and not on the track

tbh do you think some of the editors on vine with like 200k buy their followers or use an app?

Dont know dont care


Language: English