
char from afar

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I'm sorry again. But could you recommend me a tutorial channel for svp, that maybe you used or you know they have good tutorials,effects. Thank you for taking time to answer this :)

Sure hahah, well the only one I know of is my own - Purfectors :)

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Please let me know if you get the link with my entry and let me know if i need to change anything. I also really wonder if you liked(Please be honest) cause it first i work in that kind of style( usually make masks only in Xovers)so what you thinks

i did get it, thank you! <3
Liked by: Janna(iliriea)

Hey :) Can you pleeeaaase create a video with the song "Hello" by Adele? I love this song and I think that would perfectly fit with a few TVD scenes, like when Bonnie is in the prison world or some other scenes from other series, whatever you want ? But I would appreciate it when you use the song.

Hey hahah :) Thank youuuu for the suggestion but I think I might have to say no on that one. I was honestly anticipating someone asking me this question lmao. (idk im psychic) So I do have a prepared answer.
But yeah, I really don't like this song. Musically - I think it's absolutely brilliant and wonderful and her voice was absolutely spectacular. But lyrically? Oh god. I just despise the whole topic of it. It's just a big no to me. Because what - she broke his heart and then a few years later she realized she still felt sorry about it and she decides to come back and she sees that he's not torn apart because of it? AND THAT MAKES HER SAD?? Like excuse me, she's sad because he's not weeping over her anymore? It doesn't work that way. ''It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry'' - I hate that, God. And ''At least I can say that I've tried.'' - Bitch where???
I just hate when people who hurt someone else make themselves out to be the victim in the situation. ''It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore'' - honestly THAT line makes me despise the whole theme of it. So she loved/loves him? And she says this? That's not love, that's just a cry for the fact that she doesn't have his attention anymore, because clearly that's what she wanted. Because it's okay for her to 'break his heart' if she apologizes a thousand times but suddenly it's so bad that he's managed to move on?
I'm sorry if I came off rude or something lol, the song's great in performance but it just annoys me lyrically. So I don't think I'll be editing it.

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Liked by: chris Jer

is it difficult to understand the scottish accent at first?

That depends from person to person, I understand everyone my age + all of the professors, even though one of them has a pretty thick accent. But the older people? Like 50+? It's like an entirely different language. I once asked an old security guard how to get to a specific street, and damn me if I understood one word he said. xDDD

do you have an american accent when speaking english?

Adam says I have a pure American accent 90% of the time. The other 10% I apparently go all proper english and he doesnt know whether Im mocking him or not.

My entry for Focus - https://www.sendspace.com/file/nhe5d7 btw I never knew you were Scottish, which part you from?  I live in a town called Uddingston which is like 10 minute train journey from city centre Glasgow.

I'M CRYING, YOU EDITED GREASe??? Lemme hug you.
And, no i'm not scottish, i moved to scotland from Croatia about 2 months ago hahah, and i am actually about a 30 min train ride from Glasgow yay :D

hahaah ikr?!!? :D but srsly even when in some moments this was soo fucked up, still it gives soo many intense feelings while reading it! when you reading this series you just feel like you are there and feels goes up and ahh! we have to read it again! hahah :D

Sweetie2566’s Profile PhotoSweetie2566
Yeah, exactly! I loved the whole school system and everything! Ahhh, definitely want to re-read it. Even though I remember it got more stupid as the books progressed, but I definitely want to read that moment when Stark was introduced. Ahhh I loved that.
Liked by: Sweetie2566

i always laughed when Zoey&Neferet had those "fights" hahaah. and i remember like at the beginning of the series they liked each other, and then Zoey realized how bitchy Neferet really was

Sweetie2566’s Profile PhotoSweetie2566
Neferet was a readhead, right?
I always imagined her like this, that's why I loved her!
Liked by: Sweetie2566

yesyes!it was like, she was with Stark but Kalona was like stalking her in her dreams hahah,and in some way she felt this weird tension towards him even when she knew that she can't act like that bc she loved Stark, and it was soo messy. and ofc Kalona"belong"to this b.itch Neferet, ugh hate her:/

Sweetie2566’s Profile PhotoSweetie2566
But yeeees I remember that. Like what even. When I read that whole tension shit with Kalona I was sooo done. Like how much of a whore can you be UGH. Zoey really pissed me off xD
Damnit, now I really feel like reading some good series or something. LMAO
Liked by: Sweetie2566

YUUUUS ERIK & STARK SLAY! ahah ikr?!this teacher was like idk about 38-40 years old?! smth like that, and wtf Zoey! she had Erik and he was such a sassy guy, but thanks to the author that after that Stark showed up bc srsly i adore this guy! Bowman yeees<3 this made him ever more sexy:D

Sweetie2566’s Profile PhotoSweetie2566
+ ahhh this series gives me soo many feels and good memories! right now i feel like i have to re-read it :D its soo cool that someone can share feels with me about this series :D
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AHHH yes, I wish I could re-read it as well! I have all of the books from the series at home, but I have like nothing here with me... xD But agh, I was so pissed at the authors for making that whole drama with the teacher using her + Erik leaving. Like jeeeeez, why? xD And from what I understand of the little that I read of the later books - does she get with that fallen angel Kalona as well?? (or whatever his name is) I stopped reading somewhere on the 8th book, cuz I had a feeling she was about to whore around again and leave Stark, my cutie. And he was hurt, I remember that :'(

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Liked by: Sweetie2566

Lilly's book question of today: Is there a song that immediately makes you think of a certain book? Do you have a song that fits your book OTP?

AHHHH, I remember when I was reading the House of Night series (kinda wanna finish that ugh) they actually MADE a song just for the book, and it was soooooo good. I think it was for the love triangle between Zoey + Erik + Stark (idek anymore, Zoey was such a damn slut, I hated her). But tbh I loved both Erik & Stark xD Even though most of the time I hate love traingles UGH.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05BjddeKND4charizzaard’s Video 132989535865 05BjddeKND4charizzaard’s Video 132989535865 05BjddeKND4
Liked by: Sweetie2566

all these 'charson' ppl need to freaking leave. Whatever happened b/w you & Jason isn't anyone's business to be worried about like seriously. You made your ask regard ur vidz not any personal stuff. So kindly screw off. jerks.


"no i was asking for advice on editing what? - "where, when? for what? who are you? im so confused :S" OML Well I Have A Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB7pLXkxDXhXS3ZDqq5TboQ > I need editing advice to improve so i can start editing like you, i asked this - http://ask.fm/charizzaard/ans

Ohhhh, okay, but like... I'm not exactly the 'Editors Advice Centre'. And the way you came up to me like ''Hey I'm new, here's my channel, give me some tips' - uhm, no. That's not how it works + I don't exactly have the time to stop and teach someone else how to edit. So yeah - good luck with your editing.


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