
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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can I join? but im a disney editor is that ok?

not really, you should be a fandom editor. cuz it's primarily expected to edit tv shows/movies in this. but yeah all the requirements for joining are listed in the desc box. :)

wow u reactivated ;)

i did! basically just for the contest, cuz i knew there'd be confusion/questions about it. still iffy about staying cuz ehhh.

Do you have a tutorial channels?or tutorial channels you like? m really hopping to improve my effects xx

i do, my tutorial channel is Purfectors! And I don't really know/follow any other ones

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honestly school drama's are the best in Asian countries. they cover everything. I'll try it. I don't know if I will make it but I'm sure you'll like it anyway.

Koike Rika
okay! :)
Liked by: chris

I'm sooo interested by your contest!! But I'm interested in like half of the parts/groups x) Is it possible to make an entry for several of them?

unfortunately no, you can only join one!! if people would make more entries, it would be too much for us to judge xD


but if you want me to make a tutorial on how i do my banners, i doubt ill do so, because i usually take HOURS to make one, because i keep remaking stuff, and doing other things. but there is already a tutorial on purfectors how to do it in SV, just type in youtube ''purfectors banner'' or something. you'll see it
Liked by: jenna

can you pls do a tutorial on purfectors on how to make a banner in photoshop <3 and I love the focus collab contest thing, it's really creative

i dont use photoshop to make banners so i wouldnt know! xD
and thank you! :)
Liked by: jenna

and what is round 2 ?

Round 2 is another surprise! I'm also pretty sure it hasn't been done before, but don't quote me on that, I'm not 100%.

For your new contest I want to do part 8 for school but it says" TV Shows, Movies, and Music Videos" can I vid with Asian drama? It's the same thing but I just want to make sure.

Koike Rika
hmm, well i suppose so xD it's preferred if you edit with TV show, american or british etc. though!

so in every group will just win one part ?

Yes, and that part will be in the collab that leads to round 2, and the person who made the part will move on into round 2.

char I dont understand one thing about the contest, like if I choose group 4 all the people who are in group 4 will do a collab together?

No, like everyone who's in group 4 is editing that same part, and then we'll go over everyone's version and only one of them will win and go to the next round and be featured in the final collab. It's liek a mini-contest with collab parts, and every group (part) is a different one.

when I finish my mad hatter fandom Im going to dedicate it to you, Chris, and Tina for being such amazing inspirations (((:::

awwwwww, thats so cute i feel so honored omfg! do send me the link when you finish, and thank youu <3<3
Liked by: duval

Just a little info about my Ask account. :)

char from afar
Taking this moment to notify that from now on I will no longer be answering any questions (especially anonymous ones) that ask about effects/text effects or how I did anything that can be seen in my videos. I don't mean this in a rude way or to be a bitch, but what is rude is people coming to me and anonymously asking me for effects and then blatantly copying them without ANY credit or even mention of my name. I've been seeing this too much, and some of these videos that basically look like remakes of mine even tend to get more attention and praise which feels really bad for me on my part. SO, I'M DONE.
If you are a friend and if you are close to me and if you actually plan on crediting an editing idea I did, you can ask me, but I'm not answering a single ''How did you do this'' question again. I'm not sorry. And I'm sure there's a lot of other editors out there who would agree and who have been in this situation. So yeah, this is just a personal thing, something that will help me feel better and I hope you can understand that.
***** I am not in any way obligated to answer any questions about my editing, in fact it was my free will to do so in the beginning and now I'm choosing not to do so anymore.******
Aaaand just a heads-up, don't be surprised if I close my ask.fm account in the following couple of weeks. Just something I felt like doing for a while, so if I still don't feel okay on here, I will.

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Hi! Please, can you take a moment to read my story about what other people think of the vidding community? http://ask.fm/Sissy_202/answer/132065887298 Hopefully it will help us evolve a lot in the future. :)

Right, I agree with you, except for one thing.
If you want your editing to have recognition - you go for a job. TV show editing is something you do for fun, a hobby, and an illegal one (cuz we basically steal clips and music), so bringing more attention to it is a bit illogical as we could easily get suspended or fined. Getting recognition about it from other editors and fans is awesome, and I'm all for it, but bringing in people who don't even know about this? That's a different story. I can assure you, most people won't see the point in it, and about 97% of other people do not realize how much effort you put into these videos either way. That's why you get people asking - ''what app did you use to make this?''
As awesome as it would be to have a shitload of comments and feedback on our videos, it wouldn't work. And besides, I think it would be much better for us all to start appreciating what we DO have instead of crying about something that we don't.

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Clexa, yassss! You are so right. Haha Here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNsc9-02RCo everybody's complaining about this youtube thing, wtf is going on?

yes, i saw it now AH idk, youtube unsubbed me from you????? like it wasnt in my subbox so i went to your channel and i wasnt subscribed, but like i remember subscribing to you a few weeks back when I was watching your AUs, so like WHAT????? god.
Liked by: Thata


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