
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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hi char! :P i was wondernig how did u warp or rotate the square here. I've been trying out and I couldn't find it:/

Where? In the skate video? Just using pan crop

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hi :) when you use 1080p clips, does your sony vegas work slow? :c I downloaded mkv files and converted them to wmv, but I think they are too big and makes my sony vegas works bad :/

I don't use 1080p, I usually only use 720p ones and no my vegas doesnt work slow cuz of them. The only time my vegas starts lagging is when I use like 40+ tracks xD

Thata Wants To Know: Nothing to be honest because i don't have a good question today BUT i'm bored so i'll just say hi to all of you. What's up bitchezzz? What are you doing right now?

LMAO hey :D
Im currently just sitting in class and watching Alien for our assessment essay. Aaand im just waiting for loud scenes so i can sneak out cookies from my bag without distrupting the class lol. How bout you? :D
Liked by: Thata

If I do the same type of thing in my video? with the solid colour

I suppose.. Eh just, itd be nice if you would credit for the idea or something xD ah idk, its not like i can stop you from doing it hahah

Poslala sam ti poruku na yt-u, valjda si ju dobila, odgovori kad stignes :)

Jesaaam vidla sam, odgovorit cu danas navecer hahah sori, snimamo danas, dobili smo napokon internet pa cu pogledat kad se sjednem xD

Lilly's book question of today: What's your favorite genre? Why do you find it most appealing to yourself? Is there a genre or topic you would never read? What kind of plot does not appeal to you at all?

I aaaalways love reading dark and tragic stories. Like when it has to deal with suicide, mental illnesses, love, tough decisions, sicknesses etc. I mostly love topics that deal with real life, friendships and that just have a moral about life. Deeper meanings, things that teach you something about life or about yourself. Just something that makes you grow as a person and something that shows you imperfections of life and gives you something to think about.
Liked by: Kasia

Is it possible to just do it on sony vegas? By using the sepia effect and masking the video, then adding linear wipe?

well yeah, it definitely is. or for example you could add one of those effects that sort of outlines the high points, like new blue neon lights or something like that, and then you can use chroma keyer to get rid of the solid and just leave the lines in. and then yes, you add a transition that you want.

https://youtu.be/n-tG4t1kTsM?t=59 How'd you do the outline?

with photoshop, like you just take a screen and then draw on a layer over it on photoshop, i used one of those... um. tools. lol idk the name, but like a tool that lets you draw in a line and then bend it and all. and then you just save that image and like adjust it to your video and add some random wipe transition and voila
Liked by: chris

Thata Wants To Know: "Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love. So take a look what you've done..." Yeah, i've made a video w/ a cover of this song and now i'm obsessed. There's a couple, friendship, movie, tv show, etc that you love and fits this lyric?

Ahhhh, fhdj
Maybe Sawyer/Kate, but they kinda... go back and forth all the time xD
Peter & Harry from TASM xD
Maaaaybe Bonkai? But idk how it would apply to the 'mad love' part. In my imagination I suppose :D
I love this song too, though <3
(I swear, youtube leaves out like half the videos from my subbox?????)
Liked by: Thata saniiღ

https://youtu.be/mMqi76m8miY?t=22 How did you get the text this colour?:)

that's actually not something that I want to share, cuz I'm working on a video entirely dedicated to this text effect and i would really like to upload it before it gets overused without me even finishing it or getting any credit. I came up with this text effect with my friend @Kayahja and we decided to just keep it between us/close friends, I hope you can understand...

does downloading new blue or Saphire slow down the computer? :/

honestly, im not sure. i guess it depends on what kinda computer you have, how much space, how it works and all that. it didn't slow it down for me though, mine works perfectly fine even with all the crap i have downloaded.

don't you ever think you're not original anymore. your videos are lyfff. ily ???

Thank youuuu so very much <3<3

I totally understand I know a lot of people will take advantage of that and not give credit! I just wanted to let you know i'm IN LOVE WITH THAT VIDEO! I know you dont like Elena but maybe one day you can make another a Video edit of her but its ok of you cant❤️

Thank youuuuu for understanding <3
Ah, you never know with me, I honestly start projects out of the blue and usually it's nothing I would have expected xD It really honestly doesn't matter if I like her or nah, if I get an idea for another Elenur video, nothing will stop me. It might...slow me down and delay the editing for about 3 months *cough* my friend Kai's fault *cough* but if I wanna do something I will, no worries!!
Thank you though, I'm glad you like the video <3

What's the weirdest deja-vu experience you've encountered?

Well this probably isn't the weirdest, but since I have the memory capacity of a goldfish, I'll say the most recent one.
SO LIKE, I only vacuumed my room twice since I got to uni, and the first time, I was taking our vacuumer back to our kitchen, and I like entered it backwards in a funny way, like tripping all over it and trying to take it over to the closet, and then I saw my flatmate sitting on the couch reading, and he just looked at me all the way through, dead serious, while I basically wrestled the stupid vacuum cleaner into the closet. xD
And then the second time around - same thing, i was dragging the stupid thing through the door backwards, and he was sitting in the SAME PLACE in the SAME POSITION and I stopped at the door and looked at him and I was like - ''Well this feels an awful lot like a deja-vu, huh?'' and he was just like ''Very much so.'' and continued reading. AHHH XD Come to think of it, I should probably vacuum soon. -sigh- Maybe tomorrow.

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can you make a tutorial on some of the effects in your one last time video

ahh i doubt it xD im sorryyyy honestly, but my effects/editing are like the one thing i'd like to keep to myself! cuz its already happened to me so many times that my style and my effects got ripped off and used by so many people that it doesn't really feel like i am original anymore, yanno? and that's one thing i like to be when it comes to editing, so i hope you understand! <33


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