
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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GLAD TO KNOW SOMEBODY AGREE WITH ME! to be honest i'm not a big fan of the "liars" acting... except maybe aria and spencer (don't know their names, sorry)

Yeah same! xD Troian's acting is always on point, I'd say she's the only one that actually has her own kind of character/acting that she sticks to! But tbh, they're mainly just standing there looking pretty. xD Also maybe Sasha acts pretty good, at least in her bitchy scenes! I totally loved her in those. Like the flashbacks and when she would pretend to be innocent but then give a secret mean smile. That was good, But yeahhh, other than that. lol xD

Thata Wants To Know: There's someone you don't think is the best actor/actress in the world but still like his/her character?

LESBI honest :D
(im sorryyyyy, she pretty but her acting aint)
Liked by: Thata

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Top 3 viddable OTPs?

take into consideration, this is really objective and just looking at the scenes in general. The only couple I actually full-on ship from this list is Stydia, others I actually dislike atm.
2 - Stydia & Scallison (Teen Wolf in general has AMAZING cinematography, like just the directing and the camera-work are always spot on, and the colors/lighting are beautiful)
3 - Ezria (Again, just awesome scenes, like even though I really don't like them as a couple, when I was making a video with them it was just so much FUN because of their scenes, they're just really editable)
(this scene for example, when it's focused on him and then it focuses on Aria turning around and looking at him and then the focus goes back to him, it's just so awesome)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlH-zVXLKg can you make a tutorial for the effect 1:25 or can you please tell me where you got the smoke overlay in that video

I made that texture on my own in photoshop, saved it as a png and then I animated it with a wave effect and some masking in Sony Vegas.

So glad you're finer, I'm too...What are you doing? ;p

Good! Eh, nothing much, I was actually gonna edit a little but I think I'm about to get ready to go to sleep, I'm quite tired xD
Liked by: sourwolf vampires

Your new video is so creative! You're so talented! Please tell you are studying something related to it because you're amazing ^^ You did all of that with only SV or you used another program too?

Thank you so so much! <3 Yes, actually, I am! I'm studying film, and we're actually about to get into editing this Friday :D And no, I did all of it on Sony Vegas xD I don't have nerves for other programs at this point I just do everything in Vegas.
Liked by: Jer Kaiaya. amanda;

Did you stay in contact with some of your classmates from Croatia? What was their reaction when they heard you were going to Scotland? Were some of them jealous? Haha :)

Mmmm, well yes, I have them all on a group in whatsapp, and YES LOL it's actually quite a good feeling when I hear how hard and/or boring their classes are and then I come in and post a video of my class and things we do etc. and everyone's like whoaa, that's so awesome. But tbh as far as jealousy and all that goes - I'm really not that big on rubbing it in and it doesn't really give me that much pleasure xD LIKE I THOUGHT I would be able to just laugh in their faces or something, because I really didn't like a lot of them/their attitudes, cuz THEY would always do that about everything. So yeah, I thought it'd feel good, but frankly - right now? I just don't care. I'm glad I got what I wanted and that's what's most important to me, rather than proving a point like I thought before. I'm honestly just happy for myself. :)

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Liked by: Jer

are the lines and shapes you use in your videos like Malia and Theo Retrograde and Spencer and Caleb Crazy in Love shapes you make on sony vegas while making them or are they overlays?

I make them all on my own in Sony Vegas as I edit the video :)

sorry for bothering you again but what font did you use for your elena gilbert video? :)

i used 'neon lights' and 'arial'

You just comfired your in your lesbian stadium. Congratz ;*

Idk, Kate is my lesbian crush and I can't help myself. Believe me, I am 100% straight, but THEN I see her and I'm just like.. 99% straight.
Liked by: amanda; dominil13

You doing alright char? You aint gonna lick your screen now are you? :o

Idk, Dev, I just look at her face and I either want to have it instead of mine or I just wanna like like touch it and have it and kiss it and lol is this how lesbianshipity feels?


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