
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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but what i dont get is does bonnie relaize that kai was left alone already?? she wants him to see how it felt to be alone, but he already knows..

ahahahha yeah thats true. i dont know, i wish she could have given him another chance. its sad how many chances she gave to her friends and how much shes suffered because of them, yet she continues to be their little punching bag.
Liked by: electricxrocks

bonnie was a bitch

ahahahhaha mmmm... a little bit. but eh, i guess i understand her. though i have to applaud her for still holding a grudge against those puppy eyes.
Liked by: electricxrocks

THANK YOU I MADE IT! now i have the 4 tracks! ahahha luv u sis ♥ idk you in person but i do love you :xx hahaha

hahahah im glad i could help!! :)

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What happened to Kai? I haven't seen S6 of TVD yet but everyone is so upset so I need to know!

well, he merged with Luke and he got feelings, and so he realized he's in love with Bonnie I guess, and he tried to apologize to her for hurting her, but then she stabbed him in the back and left him in the prison world of 1903 with a few dessicated vampires who fed on him. lmao.
Liked by: a.

if he leave omg I will stop watching tvd

hahhaha yeah, i might pause it too... or just watch it when and if i have time, because the rest of it is just really boring to me lately :///

how can I get the 4 track of audios using freemake to remove the instrumentals from a scene? i mean, i have to convert it to mp4?

yeah, you just get the web dl version of the episode (its should have ''dd5'' in the name of the episode i think), and then you convert it to mp4 and once you put it into sony vegas, it should look like this, so you just find which track has the voice, you delete the other ones and thats it :)
Liked by: meggie

I have all eps in 720p version but not like your "version", anyway you helped me a lot, thanks! :))

okaaay, well you're welcome! :)

kai is not in tvd anymore?

im not sure. because he's not listed as an actor in the next episode, but his storyline seems a bit unfinished tbh, so i think they'll go back to him after 6x18. at least i hope so.

Do you like bonnie?

yes, i love bonnie. i think her and jo are like the only female characters on tvd that i like atm.

but when you download the web dl versions it comes in mkv format, you convert them to mp4 right? like just selecting the part that you'll use

no, i convert the entire episode to mp4, with freemake

do you use audacity to remove instrumentals from the scenes or something program like that, or is it an effect?

noo, i dont, i just download the web dl versions and in those you get 4 different audio tracks so you can just remove the background music and leave only the track that has the voices in it.
Liked by: Kaiaya.

I commented on your latest video and girl you rock! I am the luuc1 from youtube. I am going to make a Bonkai video inspired by you! Thank you for answering my questions, you're so sweet and i love your videos! keep this way, have a wonderful weekend! :)

thank you! wow, im so honoured <33 and awww, of course! ;D

qotd: if you could become best friends with only 1 fictional character, who would it be? :)

spence, of course. my soulmate.

can you tell us the settings that you use to distort the songs to use in your videos pls?

well i usually speed up the song im using first, then cut it how i want it, then i pitch it by 2 (whether its higher orr lower depends on the song im using and how it sounds), and then i sometimes add a little bit of reverb and thats it.

can you share the coloring that you put in your latest video?

i already have. its the second coloring (called christmas flare, i think) in the first giveaway pack in the description of my video ''spencer/caleb - crazy in love'', but i used it without the blurry new blue spotlight effect in this video :)

is it weird that i gotall heartbroken just by watching the lst night's episode and then watching your new bonkai video, ugh... my heart just hurts... i feel so bad for kai

hahahah i know exactly how you feel. i cant even function normally because of how much this hurt me lol

i hope when kai comes back that he kills them all, starting with bonnie lol all of them acting like saints and thinking they have a right to judge someone, not to even mention that they put entire coven's life and a life of an unborn baby in risk,maybe bonnie didn't know about that, but others did

AHAHAH i know right?
Liked by: Jessica

Do you edit your videos in HDTV quality(480p) and then render to 720p?

Nooope, I edit them in 720p (web dl versions) and render them in 720p or sometimes if I have the time/nerves in 1080p.


Hahahhaah, THANK YOU SO MUCHH!!! <3333

i was so dissapointed when they left kai that i decided not to watch tvd anymore until he comes back (if he comes back)

ahahahah i totally understand you

hi, sorry to bother you.. but I just installed Sapphire on my SV12 and now I can´t open any mp4 files? is that normal? any ideas how to fix it? thanks!!

im sorry i have noooo idea, ive never had this problem :/


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