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Me neither. He apologized 63937x times, he risked his life to save bonnie, he even helped to save crazy pants mama salvatore and that's what they give him in return? GOD I'M SO dONE with this show

ugh.. lol im so upset hahah

God yes, it's beyond ridiculous. What makes them think they deserve to go home and live? Who told them they get to decide who is worth saving?

GAH EXACTLY. Lol I am so not okay with this I JUST KDSJFHDSKJHDS I feel so sorry for him he was trying SO hard to prove to her that he's different... :(((((
Liked by: Epifan Lenkova

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Yes, they didn't even turn around. (FUCKING LOOK HIM IN THE EYE WHEN YOU LEAVE HIM FOR DEAD YOU COWARDS). They just all got so selfish and i'm not even sorry when i say that they all deserve the shit happening to them. (But i am sorry for ranting here)

But tbh, they are all such fucking hypocrites, they are doing the SAME and even worse things than he did and they consider themselves ''the good ones''? IM SORRY WHAT?!
Liked by: tos-tos.

How could they leave Kai there? I'm so pissed off. How could Bonnie do that? And why didn't Damon or Elena stop her? They're all acting so good. Elena the angel and Damon who turned good. BULLSHIT. They're not better than Kai. In no way.

I don't get how they were all so indifferent about leaving him there, after EVERYTHING he has done for them. He was literally the only help they could get in the last 5 situations and this is how they repay him? I am so mad at Damon in particular, because when Bonnie came to thank him for ''the notes in the atlas'' he JUST SO failed to mention that if it weren't for Kai, his notes wouldn't mean SHIT.
I am so disappointed in everyone.
Liked by: tos-tos.

in what quality do you download your footage for editing? because I looks amazing even in full screen mode O.o. .. thanks!

720p and thank youuu :)

How fast do you fall asleep?

it always takes me like an hour LMAOO, its terrible idk whats wrong with me.

I can't even process what is happening with my life after watching TVD episode..

HAHAHAH SAME. Lol I couldn't even go to school today because of how shaken up I was I swear this ship is ruining my life LOL, I simply cannot deal.

Idk your icon makes me wanna smile like an idiot because he's the most adorable thing but then it just makes me wanna cry.

SAME. I LITERALLY CAN'T WITH THAT SCENE, IT HONESTLY MAKES ME CRY because he is so freaking adorable that I cannot handle it and every time he's genuinely happy, I feel like crying of happiness and every time he is sad I want to cry with him, cuz he's like this little precious middle school boy, and it makes me want to drown in my tears, I cannot.

On my opinion season will end on Lilly,she will understand that they not going to help other vamps,she will catch Bonnie to take her there and bring them back!Or they gonna make Lilly to take cure how Elena did with Katherine

gahhh, i honestly have no idea, like i dont even wanna think about it anymore cuz it hurts way too much lmaooo.

I dont watch tvd but i love kai fanvids, did he die? :o

i'm like 90% sure he didnt die, but he got sucked on by a vamp in 1903 and hes trapped there, i just hope they're smart enough the keep him alive dsjhsdkjksj :S i want him baaaaaaack -cries-
Liked by: tos-tos. Kasia

thoughts on tonights ep??

● Enzo and Caroline - cuteness!
● Damon being kind of selfish again and asking Bonnie for a favor AGAIN - hated that.
● The Bonkai lunch scene - YAS. But I cried at his hurt face when she said she'd rather die of cholera than spend an afternoon with him.
● Sarah, Jo and Alaric - CUTE CUTE & CUTE. Sarah's beautiful ugh.
● Steroline - little bit annoying, but HOT, that make-out scene daaaamn.
● Kai's crocodile Dundee reference - dying.
● Lily!!! She actually seems semi-normal wow, I kinda like her.
● Kai accidentaly grabbing Bonnie - fucking hot, I just... And then being in shock over it. His puppy eyes. Kill me now. I'm done.
● Bonnie stabbing Kai - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
● Bonnie actually straddling Kai - mmmmmm...... :)
● Delena make-out which Bonnie walks in on .-.
● The cure? LOL IS STELENA AND BAMON ENDGAME? ...Tbh, I kinda like that.
and of course
● Kai crying after Bonnie leaves him. Rip my heart out already, would ya? My reaction:

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is chris leaving tvd for good?? because he doesnt seem sad about it lol

i have no idea! i know hes starting a new show, but i guess they might leave a possibility for him to come back to tvd if that fails? idk xD

in this episode i can honsestly tell that kai was trying to get bonnies forgiveness, and in the end she just fucked him over. i feel so bad for him tbh. the fact that he pleaded for her not to kill him after he almost died for her makes me upset. i felt that bonnie was so immature in this episode an

YES. I totally agree with this lol, she kind of went a little overboard, she almost killed him for the 3rd time, even though this time he would actually die forreal. I just hope he comes back in 6x19, since he isnt listed in 6x18 -.- *pounds head on table* Like sweet Lord, whattafuck. That episode had so many cute moments but when she flipped.... That was just plain mean LOL.
Liked by: Sweetie2566 tos-tos. a.

can i fucking rant im so mad rn with tvd

YES YOU CAN. i am just, dfkjhkjdsh
it started off real sweet and then WAY TO BREAK MY EFFING HEART
Liked by: tos-tos.

do you make icons for people of that ask you or no?(: I'm just wondering because I'm seriously in love with every icon you make like omgg haha

not really, at least not now cuz i am really busy :(
but thank you so much <3

can you tell me please some badass episodes of tvd? thank you so much

No hun, theres google, theres the tvd wikia, and i honestly dont have the time or the nerves
Liked by: a.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiULTnl4EbY&feature=youtu.be Have you seen this yet? Bonnie and Kai are nowhere to seen, maybe they're somewhere else together.. *Jumping up and down excitedly* + WHAT THE FUCK is elena doing there? *eternal eyeroll*

yesss hahahha i JUST saw it lol and that were my thoughts exactly, cuz if elenas there with damon and his mom then THAT very probably means that bonnie's gonna have scenes with kai.

yes omg imagine the look on Kai's face when he first sees the baby! Holy shit. I can already see his eyes lighten up at that sight

hahhahahh awwwww yes, he went from a total psycho to the most precious thing in the world and i still adore him

Yeah they may not care that much about liv or jo, but killing a pregnant woman? Didn't damon learn his lesson? That would be low, even for TVD.

AHAHHAHAHA YES THATS SO TRUE. + I actually love Jo, so I'd hate to see her die :/// ...aaaaaand wouldnt it be fun to see Kai as uncle? Yep, that just..... I can't.

Oh and i really hope someone is going to mention that KAI was the one who helped saving bonnies life :(

I've been saying that for like 8340937 years now, SHE DESERVES TO KNOW.
I just hope someone else tells her and not Kai. It'd be cool if Elena told her - might make up for some stuff and actually make me like her again.


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