
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Oh,my friends don't know too!,you have new projects? :)

yeah, im actually working on one crossover video (but idk when that one will be uploaded cuz im taking my time with it), and im working on a bonkai video + on a multimale collab with plasta008 which should be up by the weekend, i HOPE, if i manage to finish my parts

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Do you consider yourself as a shy or communicative person?

well im more on the communicative side, but i dont really communicate much, cuz i dont really go out or anything lol. but im not shy, i can talk to people normally

Hahaha,the gif of Paul >.< ,oh...curious question!,your friends know that you are a vidder?

hahahahh i love Paul so much omg. and nope, not really. only two guys from my class know because i worked on a few projects with them, but i wouldnt really call them close friends or anything so nope

Multi femlash = is multi lesbian basically, I think you could do an amazing video :)

awww, well thank you! but im sorry, i dont think i will :// i dont know that many lesbian pairings at all, and the ones i know, i dont really ship (aside from calzona from greys, but i dont even have that show)

Me too!,i'm waiting for the school D: ,what are you doing? :)

ahh, i just got home :D lol i was at school and then the gym. im kind of exhausted, but more because of the school TBH...

Is it too late to join Purfectors and if yes will you make other auditions? :)

yesss, sorry i posted about it like a dozen times before i closed the audtions. but yes we will have more auditions, we could probably do them every couple of months, or when we need to

have you tried making lyrics video? I sort of think you maybe do well on lyrics video.

I have but i get bored in the first 15 seconds xD and thank you aw<33
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

Purfectors is doing so well, congrats new members!

i knoooow, the members are so awesome and everyone is really friendly and cooperative and helpful! jazzi is helping me set up tumblr, and a bunch of them are already working on tutorials or already HAVE uploaded tutorials and sjkdshjdkhskjd we're just a few subs away from 2k! and the atmosphere is amazing, i love them all so much!!

I think I forgot to turn off anonymous.. Did I? I don't know.. I'm not functioning properly right now. But I'm pretty sure I didn't

you didnt forget ahhahah, and its okay i get you <3 xD
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ a.

Did you finish reading the book or are you still procrastinating?

I'm actually reading it, but I'm really slow, cuz I have to take out all the words I don't know and write down the definitions... I'm at 46 words right now ughh... and on page 38 xD I'll try to get to page 50 or 55 cuz the book has 105 pages, and then ill go to sleep.
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ a.

did you hear the news about steven r. mcqueen (jeremy) leaving tvd? I think the chances for bonkai just went up.

YESSSS I DID LOL Lilly and Jason bombarded me with the article about it we were all like freaking out, this gives BonKai a HUUUGE chance if you ask me! I'm like 90% sure that it will happen now.
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ a.

Who makes you laugh?

oh god.... theres a lot of answers to this, but mostly my dog and my guinea pig, since i spend most of my time with them. and then obviously myself. sometimes my grandma and my greatgrandma, a few of my friends, and of course people from youtube, like jason and lilly xD
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ Kasia a.


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