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would you like to have friends who are faggot? i hope you don't have a judgment to the homosexual.

do you realize how hypocritical this question is for you?
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Do you eat meat or are you vegetarian? Sorry I'm nosey lool

yeah, im vegetarian, but i also dont eat other animal products besides eggs and cheese
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Your videos are the fricken bomb and they're just so inspiring and amazing and your honestly the only reason why I edit because your editing skills are my goals. I just thought I should tell you that hahahahaha

vampirexhearts8’s Profile Photovampirexhearts8
OMG OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH <33 this just brightened up my day
Liked by: vampirexhearts8

Elena or Katherine?

Well, if I had to choose, I'd choose Kat, cuz I like her story a lot more and I feel like her character has more depth, even though I never really liked her THAT much, but I mean... She's Katherine, duh.

which editor gives away the best ones? im trying to get new sparkles!!lol

hmmm i think i got some from lightningxdisaster and cowboyhobo, as much as i can remember

i hate seeing how almost everyone now hopes for kailna, like wtf. elena really becomes a slut, i mean she was with bunch of boys (matt, stefan, damon, guy from college (can't remember his name rn lmao)) and if kai & elena become a thing i'll be like really pissed of. I loved elena/nina sm before

---> but now she sucks
Yeah hahahah i couldnt agree more. but to be honest i dont really think they're gonna make kailena happen, it just doesnt really make any sense. besides they usually put stuff in trailers just to throw us off and then in the real episode it probably wont even be that big of a deal.
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

What's the best way to private message you? I know youtube is hard to private message now so yeah lol.

well i only have like youtube and ask for contact, other things like skype and facebook i only share with friends
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

I know you hate questions asking for help on that kind of stuff but trust me I've tried like everything and i just don't want to get virus's on free downloads that won't even work! I'm really sorry for bothering you about it but it just sucks and it's hard finding right ones. know what I mean?

its alright ahahah i get it
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

really? I have fucking Sony Vegas 8. I'm trying to upgrade to at least 10 because I'm so sick of downloading colorings and not having them work because 8 is so old but I'm scared to try all these Sony Vegas 10 free download & get a virus!! bc I already have too many lol. any suggestions?

try the pro 10 here: http://purfectors.tumblr.com/downloads that's the one i have, and i got 13 from a giveaway by cowboyhobo
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

also is it just me or does Dobrev look like completely different from s1? i get that she aged and shit but man, she was pretty in s1 while right now she's on a peak of looking very chubby and i get a feeling she's been drinking or what?

she does look really different, but i kinda prefer her body shape right now hahha like that episode when she jumped in the water, she looked soooooo hot. i dont know about the rest xD but yeah, the wavy hair thing is just meh. she looks really good when its either completely straight hair or like really curly, wavy is just eh.

i kinda don't want any interactions between them and this "i get why Damon digs you" ugh i'm so tired of every guy hitting on Elena. i would have loved it if he just knocked her out and left her somewhere :D refreshing to talk to someone cause none of my friends watch it and i like S06 like SO MUCH!

ahahahha i knoooooooow i keep fangirling about season 6 with my youtube fellas, cuz my mom is annoyed by it already xD
and yes, ugh, if julie starts a kailena or even opens the possibility, i am going to explode. but i feel like kai only kidnapped her cuz he wanted to piss damon off. or has a bigger plan, you never know with him. either way, i just seriously cannot wait for new episodes like omfg... ive never been this excited about tvd, s6 rocks so far
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

YES! lol god i hated Elena so much when she stupidly decided that saving Bonnie was about her. god, chill for a minute girl the world doesn't fucking revolve around your ass. Damon obviously wants to save Bonnie for BONNIE so goddamn much. btw did you read Take Shelter fanfic? (Bonkai/bits of Bamon)

yessssssss Elenur is so annoying this season, I don't remember her being THIS self-centered omg. And that last scene in 6x7 when Damon was talking about Bonnie in that bar and Elena was all like ..''will YOU help ME save my best friend Bonnie'' - i was like EHM BITCH HE BE DOING THAT THE ENTIRE EPISODE, DAFUQ YOU WANT. lol ugh.... words cannot describe how much she annoys me. i hope kai kills her or at least tortures her a lot.
and im not sure, i think i might have read it, lol i read sooooooo many of them recently
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

YES to blowing off Jeremy The Whining Prick. i think Bonnie should get challenged by a bad guy, just like Elena and Care. i root for Bonnie and i so want her to stop being a martyr and think about herself. i think Kai appreciates her more than many of her friends and he openly expressed it.

YES YES YES, THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I TOTALLY AGREE. I feel like Kai really does appreciate everything she does more than even her own friends, which is absolutely amazing considering who he is. Like Jeremy just needs to GTFO.
And oh god.... I cannot even express how much I WOULD PAY to see BonKai happen. LIKE I JUST NEED IT. And as for Damon, him being the ONLY ONE of Bonnie's friends who actually did shit to try to save her, I hope she appreciates it, because it's so annoying how everyone keeps judging him and saying that he is selfish and that he is doing this for different reasons. Like no. Please stop. Damon needs to get some sort appreciation. Like I wouldn't mind a Bonnie/Kai/Damon threesome to be perfectly honest..... LOL, JK JK, but yeah I hope it plays out somewhat similiar to this when Bonnie gets back. And I think that either Kai or Damon HAVE to be the ones to get her out of there. If it's someone else, then.... Idk, it would suck.

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Liked by: Bloomer ✌

what is your favourite makeup brand?

ermmmmmm lol i dont have a favorite one, it depends on which product, cuz like ill always buy mascara by maybeline, but for some of the foundation, i could just buy sth at a drugstore, or i could buy chanel, it really depends on what im feeling like at that moment. but i havent really been using make up lately, i just have my maybeline mascara, some cheap ass concealer and my old chanel powder and thats it. and i barely ever use it anyway. lol this answer wasnt supposed to be so long awkz stopping now
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

hey there it's the libra anon again :) Julie Plec hinted that Bonnie will come back changed. no wonder because she's been through so much and completely alone. what do you think we'll see? what changes? maybe Bonnie will become darker or whatever? what changes do you wanna see anyway?

Hi! Thanks omg, this is such a good question. Well Bonnie definitely has to change after this. What happened to her was just terrible and she's definitely going to be traumatized from this. And for one, I definitely see her blowing off Jeremy (at least I HOPE she does), because Jeremy did absolutely nothing to get her back AND he slept with a bunch of other girls and got drunk all the time. Bonnie doesn't need anyone like that. And to be fair, I think how she changes very much depends on WHO GETS HER OUT. I am personally keeping my fingers crossed for Kai, because THAT would be something really interesting to watch. To see that out of all of her 'friends', none of them found a way to get her back. I think that maybe we will actually see a different side to Bonnie, not necessarily her evil side, but maybe a side that finally looks out for herself rather than anyone else. And I'd honestly just love it if Kai was the one to get her out, and hopefully see how their relationship develops because both Julie and Chris confirmed that Kai does indeed have a crush on Bonnie. I cannot wait for the new episodes!! :D

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Liked by: Bloomer ✌ a.

OMG YAS! Billion dollar idea ALERT!!! Also there should be freeze frame and slow down option possible. -patent pending-

Hahahahahhahah ikr lets make it happen!!!
Liked by: Bloomer ✌


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