
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Heyy! Just wanted to say that I discovered your channel and I fucking love iit!! You're so talented, I can't stop watching your latest videos!!!

wooooow thank you so much!!!
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ Joy


char from afar
I will be organizing my next collab tomorrow night! Around 8 pm - central EU time! I will give a heads up here on ask as well about an hour before I upload it, because it will be first come, first serve!
Hope you'll be able to join! :)
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ harry

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how did you learn how to use sont vegas? like did you improve? and like how did you learn how to do all these effects? sorry for all the questions! i just think your SOO talented and it would be great to get advice from you :)

well thank you so much :) but i dont really think i can find a sensible answer to this question, like... ''how did i learn?'' i dont know, i just did. i didn't restrict myself to only one way of editing, i explored all the possibilities that vegas had to offer and then i practiced and experimented by making different videos, and once i was familiar with everything that you could actually do in vegas, then basically anything that i imagined, i could make it happen. same thing with other peoples videos or commercials or movies, if i see any sort of effect that i like, i can find a way to re-create it in sony vegas. i know that lot of people in the tv show community restrict themselves to just matching clips to the music, adding text and maybe sapphire edge effects every now and then, but i guess i was lucky to start off in a different community where we always tried to be as creative and original as we could. and of course, i had wonderful people who inspired me, whom i talked to and shared some tips with etc. but either way, one doesnt ever stop learning or improving, so i think the more i use vegas the more i'll improve, if i dont restrict myself to only one way of editing.

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Liked by: Bloomer ✌ Kasia

char !! can i join on purfectors if i edit disney or i have to edit TV Shows

you can join if you edit disney. im looking for som etv show editors, but other than that i still just need people who are familiar with sony vegas or any other programs so yeah :)
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

pic of desmond? :D

Ahahahhaha i didnt take many pictures of him lately cuz i like to do it outside and the wather has been shitty, but i might take him out when the snow falls and do a photosession then, that would be so beautiful :D
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

ahaha yes i saw some videos of aria but i cant really believe it :( PS: Did u saw that screenshoots of Caleb and paige on the A team?

Yeah but if youre talking about the ones i think you are, then those were just test shots when they had to decide between tobi paige and caleb and they went for tobi
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ harry

yea but yt changed the messaging format and idk how that even works anymore tbh so if u could explain it to me i'd be forever grateful :)

Oh just type in /messages after the youtube.com and it should open up. You might actually get it in the spam folder though, youtube really likes to spam messages, at least for me hahhaah i spent like 3 months without even realizing i had 562826 messages that i didnt even see xD
Liked by: Bloomer ✌ harry

aww, seeing you talking in spanish it's the cutes thing ever ♡

Lmaooo awww lol well i took it for like two years when i was 10 and now ive got it in school lol i love the language but i always mess it up with french since ive been learning that for a while now
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

Oh dios mio!!! ajja que increible osea que sabes como 10 idiomas ajja?y se dice ''las frases'' ajjaja okya hay que bueno no crei que entendieras el español sabes que significan esto : te pondre a prueba chanda masorca desengusanillador perimetro interpretativA guiñapo ahre jaja

Ajajajajaj no entiendo eso xD
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

Whatttttt?? Noo i dont think Aria could be A :( it will be horrible i think maybe alison has something to do with it,and who killed mona i think ali asked cece for do it

I definitely think she is!!!! Hahahahah idk i just love that theory so much
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6etf25xJ_w&list=UUmWg4WLmtGr8oZuNLil2MSA OMG hahah waht a great video omg do you thiink it is true ? i think it isnt omg do you love pll? can we talk about it here haaaahah i ask u questions about pll omg i really need to talk this wirh someone

yaaaaaaaaaas i adore this video omg, personally to me it's the best video that yahya made, like its just sooooo good waah :O and YES I TOTALLY agree with it, i think aria is A too, there are just too many signs and coincidences for it not to be true tbh
Liked by: Bloomer ✌

Jaja enserio? Pero entiendes todo en español o nesesitas ayuda de un traductor?

entiendo todo, pero no puedo hablar/construir los frases o el vocabulario etc.
Liked by: Bloomer ✌


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