
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Is it horrendously slow for you?

Torrents? No not really. It depends on how many seeders it has and what size it is. If I'm only downloading one episode its done in about 10-20 minutes, but when i download seasons or movie serials like harry potter, twilight etc, then I just leave it to download overnight so it's done when I wake up, and then I leave it to convert while im at school, so it basically takes no time away from me hahahha

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For Youtube, and where do you get your episodes from? Torrenting is so slow

i dont really download videos off of youtube, but i think there's this sit called convert2mp3.net or something thats really good. and i get my episodes from torrents, i dont think theres any other way to get them in hd.

if i actually dont have a youtube channel but i know how to edit in sony vegas,photoshop,illustrator and AF can i apply for the new auditions for purfectors?

well, if i cant see your skills demonstrated or who you are etc, then i cant really judge you well enough. you can always apply but i cant really promise that you'll get in ://

you like your class?

no ugh -.- there's a few people in it that are actually fun but the others are just the worst.

came to say that i love you and your videos are so freaking good and im absolutely in love and k bye now

omgggg omgg thank you SO MUCH! awww, you're way too sweet!
+ i absolutely adore your videos too, you're really creative and i love how much effort you put into your videos, i especially love that Mona video you made omg
thank you again so much, you just brightened my day aww

how do you make the "glowy text"? :)

I already answered this twice but literally EVERYONE seems to be doing it now, so I don't really feel comfortable sharing how I edit anymore.
Liked by: chris Sarah

If u dont like Ariana then why the fuck is ur facebook Name Charlote Grande lmao fake fan

Lmaoo am not a fan. I changed the name a few months ago while i still thought i liked her and if you havent noticed - facebook doesnt let you change your name that often. This actually hasnt even crossed my mi d because i honestly dont give a fuck about what people (like you) think of me. But thanks, now i know that i have you on facebook and that one of my "friends" is a coward who cant deal with saying whatever they have to say to my face, but they go off making cowardly anon questions on my ask. I hope you feel good about yourself ;)
Liked by: Taylor Kay

if you dying it + wearing extensions its just your foult

i dont know if you understand what i just said
she was the reason i did it because she pressures young girls to be perfect. im not saying that it wasnt stupid of me to do that, but i was 13 and i felt like i needed to be more like her because otherwise no one would like me. thankfully i got over that and i am much happier and healthier right now. and i can guarantee you that there are TONS of girls out there influenced by her who want to be just like her and that is something that i cannot deal with or approve, because those girls have no idea how much ariana has to go through to actually look like that, just as i didnt know that either.
besides, if you're gonna keep sending me asks about this and telling me that im wrong or defending ariana, id suggest you sod off because i wont answer any further questions. i gave you my opinion and theres nothing you can do to change it.

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but in months ago you love ariana

yeah a couple of months is a loooooooooong time for me to completely change my mind. i think ive already discussed this and said why i didnt like her. she's completely fake and her influence on me was always negative - i basically ruined my hair by dying it + wearing extensions just for it to be like hers to REALIZE that her hair isn't even real. same goes for her constant fake eyelashes, her 3 tons of makeup, and most importantly her personality. She has had waaay too many dramas and accusations from her ex-friends and co-workers for none of them to be true. She's obviously a liar and a cheater, and a stuck up diva, needless to say that i dont find it normal that she hooks up with every person that she works with. and her songs arent even that good + her voice has gotten whiny and annoying. all in all, i just see a ton of negativity surrounding her and i dont want any part of it.

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