
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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hey char your not responding on facebook :'(

Hey sorry im not on facebook, im rendering a new video so my cp is all laggy and the messenger on my phone isnt working

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I know you cannot guarantee, but is the newbluefx on the purfectors tumblr? Like I said, I know no one can be sure but has anyone encountered any problems with it (as in with viruses)? Because I'm getting a new laptop and I'd rather not get a virus straight away lol. Thank youuuuu :)

Nope, no one i know that used it didnt get any viruses, it shoukd wotk just fine

why don't you like ariana anymore? *sorreh,just curious?

because she's so fake, slutty and full of herself. i just get a negative vibe from her in general.

do u still edit with pics of ariana?

no i dont. i dont edit with pics and god forbid with ariana's lol.i very much don't like her as i used to.

do mean girls :D

hmm i might, but i dont think i'll do a full video on it, maybe i'll edit it as a part of multi-something hahaha :)
but i mean, if i ever really hear a song that might want to make me edit it, then why not? :D

in the screenshoot of what seems an ezria video, could you tell me the fonts you used please? btw aklslkfhalk it looks epic, can't wait!!!!

yessss of course :) i used Will&Grace and Yaquote Script!


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