
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Do your friends/parents have any cute nicknames for you?

My fucking manager at work that i hate calls me chargrilled chicken cuz it starts with char and she thinks its funny cuz its one of the ingredients we use for sandwiches in the shop haha hilarious
Liked by: a. ✧゚:・*

What is the dumbest way you've ever gotten a scar?

I crawled behind a dog while he was eating and bothered him and he turned around to growl at me and his teeth got stuck in my face HAHAH
Liked by: Kaiaya.

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How was your night tonight?

It was good i am so fucking tired though ive been cleaning all day and i also went shopping so that was fun

Char,what plugins for aae & svp do u have?

I have no clue about AAE, cuz I dont use it that much (yet) but I'm trying to learn some stuff on it.
As for SVP, I have Newblue, Universe, Twixtor and Sapphire. And I used to have Spicemaster but I think I uninstalled it.

Lolo's QOTD : Winter is here ! ❄️⛄️ Do you like snow ? Have you had any at home ? Are you more snowball fight, creating a snowman or drawing an angel in the snow ? Your favorite clothes to wear in winter ? What do you like/hate about winter ? Your favorite activity when it's cold outside ?

I hate snow xD
My favorite clothes to wear in the winter are my winter onesies. I have a fluffy reindeer onesie which is the only thing that manages to keep me warm hahah
My favorite thing to do in winter is definitely cozying up in front of a fire and watching something good on TV.
Liked by: Loréleï.

how are you doing?)

I'm doing great :) I finally have a few days off work and I'm just working on my script for my final assessment, then I'll need to clean up my flat and prepare myself mentally for @xXHeavyHaloXx getting here on Friday.
So yeah I'm totally fine not freaking out at all.
Liked by: a.

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week ?

Nope, but I do intend on doing some shopping this week! Dorothy (my roommate) bought a really cool sweater two days ago and now I want it too so I'm totally gonna buy one in like a different colour or something and then we can be twinning.

Are you more social or quiet shy?

I'm more quiet when I'm in company of someone I don't know, but if I'm with friends and family then I'm social and loud af.

What have you done this week? Have a nice day! x

Oh god what havent i done. I feel like ive been running around all week, from job to job, doing uni stuff, cleaning my flat etc. just had a shift at work in the morning then had to go to a job where i tutor english and now im finally home about to do a livestream on patreon but i almost just fell asleep cuz of how damn tired i am xD

what do you use to convert your episodes/films so they are nice and hq? some programmes i've used in the past they don't have settings enough to alter the output. thanks :)

I use @xXHeavyHaloXx he does it for me so ask him hahah xD

oh the reaction video is blocked? :/

I knoow it was the striptease scene for some reason. Ill have to re-edit that and re-upload later but im out at dinner now. Its blocked worldwide -_-
Liked by: ✧゚:・*

when will the new react peanuts be up?? im really excited to see your reactions, a lot of shit went down!!!

literally just editing it! we watched it yesterday and we both died, so i think its gonna be a really long reaction video this time around xD
Liked by: Oliver

favorite non canon gay/lesbian ship? favorite non canon straight ship?

non canon gay: archie/jughead tbh
non canon lesbian: audrey/brooke
non canon but always canon in my head: bonkai.
Liked by: Skedaddler Oliver

k so i remember years ago being in a fb group for vidders & you would host tinychats a lot & i joined one once & u all were so nice to me and subbed me (i was brand new on the editing scene). i dont think you'd remember me BUT i just wanted to share that since you brought up tiny chat lol :')

awwww thats so cute! yes lol i love tinychat so much i actually miss the times we used to like be on it all the time
Liked by: Oliver StaticLines


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