
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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ugh you're editing skills are perfect i'm so jelly. you need to teach me i'm helpless. :'c

lol awww, thank you <3
but everything comes with practice and imagination, im sure you can make whatever you want c:

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What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

well, i usually just have a smoothie or a glas of squeezed lemons and oranges. but sometimes, when im not in a hurry, i love eating fried eggs for breakfast :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL14iy4vYLg can you please make a tutorial on 0:14 where the line extends? i really need that for a video..

You just take a text and write an I and then you turn it around with pan-crop until its horizontal like this -
and then you copy/paste the same thing above and just extend it out in pan/crop, and do the same for the other side or put a mirror effect

I have straight hair, and I curl my hair today .. but a friend says it does not suit me! but everyone else says it is! I'm sad :((

lol yeahhh, this used to happen to me a lot with my best friend, everyone would say something suited me and then theres was my bff saying it doesnt. shes either being brutally honest and looking out for you, and it's actually true that it doesnt suit you, or shes being jealous because everyone else is saying it does.

can you tell me the deadline of the summer collab?

There isn't one :) I feel it's better that way, I'll just send reminders every week, and when I get the parts I get them. But hopefully it'll be like mid-july or late-july c:

Can you save already used masks in sony vegas to use them again? if yes, then please tell me how? thank you :)

yes there's a little floppy disk icon above the preview screen in sv. you click that and save the image as a png, and make sure there's no background in vegas.
Liked by: Sel til 3005

are u girly or a cool like boyish girl?

hmm.. well thats a complicated question. I guess that the way I dress, do my make up, love shopping etc - makes me girly. But like, I always find better company in boys, I'm not about to scream at a spider, and I'm totally open for non-girly stuff, like adventures, danger etc.
Liked by: Sel til 3005

its a good thing even though some questions are silly u dont delete them u still answer them??

Nahh, I delete a few if I don't feel comfortable answering them. Like if they're poking into racism or culture or religion. I don't answer those
Liked by: Sel

u tried 12 come on ?? 12 is the best u can fade not just one now 2 but unlimited videos,pictures and music just by high lighting them unlike some versions?? why wont u upgrade??

sorry, i just dont feel comfortable with other versions. im used to sv 10, and i dont wanna upgrade


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