
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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i'm leaving the editing community for the better bye char :"(

aww, well, who are you? why are you leaving
Liked by: Sel

why do u have so many youtube accounts? I mean come on there all good why do u have to move every single thing from another??

Because I didn't feel comfortable on any of them. I got a lot of hate and I needed a fresh start :)
Liked by: chicken. . . ♡ Q Sel

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uhm because of your skill ?? hello?

Lol well thanks I guess, but you really shouldn't be jealous, if you wanna be better you should focus on yourself and improving, and not on other people's skills.
Liked by: Sel

yeah your right i'm jealous of u :P

Why would you be jealous? You should be happy with who you are.
Liked by: Sel

http://ask.fm/charizzaard/answer/113484442489 do you have tips on like how to get it to not bother you anymore? i mean people dont steal my effects but sometimes theyre rude to me and say my editing is bad or smth.. how do i handle that?

Well of course it's gonna bother you when people say mean things to you, it bothers me too, but I always find it humoristic. They are trying to bring you down but they don't even know you, so it is kind of funny honestly. And the only reason people are gonna hate you is jealousy. They can say whatever they want but in the end, they'll hate cuz they're jealous of what you have. I had a very open hater once (not gonna say names), but they straight up told me they were jealous and that they hate me for the friends I have on here, and for the support I get from everyone. Honestly, the key is just to be yourself and be nice to everyone, be better than the haters. Eventually, they'll get bored since their insults don't even bother you, and they'll leave. :)
Liked by: Sel

is there anything you hate about the editing community?

well not really.. i used to hate the constant dramas, but that kinda cooled off. although it kinda sucks that this editing community is sort of falling apart, like a ton of really epic editors are leaving/have left. and i mean, i know im gonna have to leave too at one point, but its just kinda sad :c i wish we could all live happily ever after.
Liked by: chris xmileslove

so like it doesn't bother you if someone like just takes all ur effects? .__. i mean i know it would most likely bother me hahah i guess thats good then!!

well it used to bether me when people didn't credit, but right now i could honestly care less. im just glad i could have inspired someone :D

What are your plans for the summer?

well FIRST OF ALL, im going to Venice with my grandma, then I'm going on va-cay with my friend on an island called Pag in my country (it's beauuuutiful), and then after a week or 2 with her, I'm moving to another friend cuz he has a hotel in a coastal city nearby, and I'll probably work there for a few weeks too for his cousin in a BEACH BAR. Then my grandparents are picking me up for another week somewhere and there's we're gonna be sight-seeing some parts of Croatia that I haven't been to yet. Then when I come home, I'll be working for the rest of the summer, + before school, I'll go shopping with my grandma in Hungary or Austria :D
That's about it hahahahah xD

you're one of my biggest inspirations. you've always been unique and creative. & you're insanely pretty, so thank you for inspiring ly #PassTheLove

awww gabija thank you <333 you're amazing!!! <3 c:
Liked by: - Lisa Julia.

Why isnt it easy to get rich in your country? Gettin money is actually pretty hard on every country haha

It's easy as long as you are hard working and believe in yourself, then you can get enough money really easily, especially since in some other European countries if you show the will to work and if you have good ideas, then the country will help you start your business etc. But here, people are only looking for a way to destroy everything, because they don't want anyone to be happy if they can't be. And there's no way the country will help you in any way, they will only slow you down or completely destroy you. That's why everyone is leaving here, and I can't wait to leave too. This will be the last year I spend in this country.
Liked by: Kasia


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