
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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definitvno se javi.A je,zato kaj ona akademija prihvati onak 8 ljudi max -.- debili. Ja sam ti otišla na vern. Tamo se prije godinu dana javno otvorio smjer film i mediji.Studiraš sve -scenarij,režija,montaža,obrada zvuka..Full dobar koncept.Al nitko na faksu ne radi videove tako da sam presretna e!

Morana J.
oooo ma da? zvuci super to na vernu, tak otprilike tu imamo i mi.
ahahah znam imala sam frenda koji je htio na akademiju i nije upao, i sav je u depri bio nakon toga joooj :(
mozeee, javim se kad sam tamo, najvjerojatnije bum dosla u prvom mjesecu! :)

do you recommend uploading a lot of videos frequently to gain subs? im stuck on like 100 subs after more than 1 year :(

aww well yes uploading more often obviously gives you more of a chance of getting noticed, but you also gotta make sure that your videos are interesting and creative as well! so i think its better to just make sure you put out a good video, rather than a lot of okay ones.

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hey if u didnt respond with "got it" underneath our tlc entries, does that mean u did not get or see it?

hmm, i might have missed replying to some comments but i hope i got all of them. would u send me a link to yours just so i can double-check?

do you know how to fix ytb notifications problems? like i don't get notified of when someone replies to my comment or makes a comment on my video or yk something else :/

i have no clue im sorry, thats just youtube being a little shit. it happens to me too i dont get notified of everything unfortunately

oML is it okay if we're like one hour late or some minutes from the deadline lmao?

yes if youre having some render issues or upload issues, let me know, i will accept it!

I'm so sad.... i've spent soooo many days and hours trying to make my project for the contest but time's up now and it's not finished yet :/ I can't wait to see the next rounds... thanks to yall for making this up, this challenge truly inspired me and I wish everyone good luck!♥ Love you!

actually, the deadline is tomorrow at midnight by UK time hahah. but its okay if you cant make it, im glad you considered it at least! <3

Da ziher. Znači show. Ako si ikad u zg i za kavu ili cugu neku, javi se. Ja studiram na vernu film isto iz zg. Fkt nisam očekivala da si iz hrvatske, pratim tvoje videove već neko vrijeme i predivni su. Što studiraš u škotskoj?

Morana J.
"Znaci show" HAHAHAH ovo tolko dugo nisam cula, imala sam frendicu u razredu koja je nonstop to govorila hahah ajmee. hvalaaa ti! ma daj, kaj nije na film uzasno tesko upast u zg-u?? inace ja isto studiram film ovdje, dodem nazad u zg na par tjedana preko ljeta, i tu i tamo preko bozica. neznam dal cu ove godine moci doc preko zime jer mi fali para, ali mozda se snadem hahah :D
Liked by: Morana J.

Hi. I already submitted my video for legend contest but I was wondering if I could retract that one and give you another one? I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it properly because of work so I did a quick one that is way below what I actually wanted. Just wondering..

Morana J.
Hey, yes you can do that as long as it is submitted by the deadline, and once you send me the link to the new one, would you mind also sending the link to your old one so that I know which one to remove from our playlist for judging! :)
Liked by: Morana J.

i feel like my vid for the first round is soo cringe, i'm actually laughing at myself but i'm hurt but it's me so yk i'm alright but fuck, please don't cringe okay

HAHAHAH, well we will judge them all accordingly no matter how cringe they are xD

Hi! I was wondering, is there any way to earn money by vidding? It would be very cool to get payed by doing something you love!

No, not legally. You can't make money off of someone else's content, like the shows and music, you could get sued. You could do what Chris and I did, which is to have a Patreon, and do tutorials, colorings, and your own content on Sony Vegas, that way it's not copyright because you aren't selling anything that isn't your own creation. Or you could just have a donation/support site where you aren't "selling" anything, you just get support from fans.
Liked by: Oliver Skedaddler

The ANIME TAG: - favorite anime - first anime you watched - favorite anime couple - favorite anime character (male and female) - last anime you watched - how did you find out that animes are exist? Have a nice day ???

Favorite Anime
✕ Well, I only watched Death Note and Future Diary, and I can't really decide which one I like better, they are both pretty good.
First Anime I watched
✕ Death Note
Favorite Anime Couple
✕ Definitely Light & L from Death Note, I LOVE THEM
Favorite Anime Character
✕ Male - Light ImAGay, no doubt ;)
✕ Female - probably Yuno Gasai, that beautiful crazy bitch
Last Anime I watched
✕ I tried watching one with time travel, I can't remember the name, but there was a weird scientist/doctor as the main guy or something. I didn't get very far xD
How I found out about animes
✕ Basically, my ex forced me to watch them with him, until I finally gave in. I wasn't much of an anime lover AT ALL, but now I'm okay with it. I probably won't go and willingly watch another anime on my own, but I'm not opposed to the idea of watching it with someone else.

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Liked by: Yoshi

sometimes when i'm working on a vid my vegas makes random noises who come and go do you know how to fix it ?

OH GOD, that sounds demonic tbh, I have never had anything like that. Try turning it off an on again xD


HAHAHAH, no worries!! We got a lot of entries but since it was getting so close I was actually hoping we get even more, because lots of them are really good and I thought it would be a shame not to see them if people needed more time!

Could you maybe tell me which scene is in 2:00? Saw the video because of the question you answered two days ago and I love it!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlH-zVXLKg

i am not sure what ep, but thats katherine trying to seduce stefan at a motel while in elenas body... im sure if you google something like that it should pop up xD

would you ever start a youtube channel that showed your face? would you subscribe/support fellow vidders if they ever made a youtube channel for beauty/comedy/vlogging whatever? (:

yes i would absolutely support other vidders <3
and well, me and @EvieSnuggle were thinking of starting a gaming channel sometime soon, maybe over winter break.
Liked by: .✿・゚evie.

idk if i'm supposed to cry or be happy bc i'm almost done with my vid for the contest but i've kind of failed an exam today... YIKES

that's a shame :( please dont blame this on us though, we arent forcing anyone to join xD


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