
Charlotte Reece

Ask @CharlotteReece

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What habit that others have annoys you most?

habitS that annoy me to death:
when people talk way too loudly for the situation
when people use me for my house
when people ask me if they can get food out of my pantry
when people act fake around me
when people talk about how many calories are in a food
when people talk about working out/ how i dont work out
when people tell me im a "slut" when ive been dating the same guy for 9 months
when people chew gum like a cow
when people tell me how unhealthy i am
when people talk about my butt
when people wear too much under eyeliner
when people wont take a hint
when people lead me on
when people send me anon hate
when people dont like me for any specific reason
when people tell me i should have more "girlfriends"
when people want to do stuff all the time and never just chill
when people wont let me take cute pictures of them
when people wont stop talking shit about themselves or other people
when people tell me i should straighten my hair more often
when people dont listen to me
when people lie to me
when people are homophobic
when people wear shirts or reblog or post shit from songs they dont even know
when people try way too hard to be someone theyre not
when people just stop talking to you because you dont text first anymore
when people eat my food without permission
when people ask to borrow money or have money
when people tell or make other people feel bad because of their race, sexuality, religion, or looks
when people dont believe me
when people give me lectures
when people are judgemental
when people stuff or wear butt pads or push up bras
when people wear anything fishnet or a bunch of cut outs
when people insist on wearing crocs, toe shoes, or keens
when people crowd me too much
when people talk about things that make me uncomfortable
when people talk in a group and im standing a little bit in it but a little bit out and nobody will scoot
when people come over but never invite me over or offer to hang out anywhere
when people arent accepting of other's opinions
when people act like sex is a whole big deal when its just a natural part of life
when people only come to me "as a friend" when they need something
when people slurp or eat with their mouths open
when people take jokes too far or tell the same one too often
when people snap at me for no reason
when people point out my flaws (like i dont see them already)
when people want me to watch the same movie with them over and over again
when people leave their tampons/ feces in the toilet
when people whistle
when people talk about their diets
when people dont cut their toenails
when people wear clothes that dont fit them
when people make fun of me for not having a smartphone
when people use religious figures/ symbols/ clothing for "fashion"
when people are really unhygenic
when people dont sift through my stuff
when people talk about how im on the computer all the time
when people think they're "photographers" because they have an slr with "auto" mode
that's just a couple of them...

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1. they shoot 2. they steal 3.they run 4. they smell 5. they dont work 6. are pres is a fag 7. they get your bike for christmas 8. put them back in the damn fields I could go on but we would be reading this forever

okay, thats extremely racist, i am not a huge fan of the president, but "fag" should never be used EVER, being gay isnt a bad thing... i have a lot of black friends and believe it or not they're exactly the same as white people but they just have different complexions. bitch.

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Uh what? It's natural to have sex lol

I know i just am too tired to think back on it... & IT IS NATURAL BITCHES


Language: English