
Dani R

Ask @danyellatatizzz

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Do you believe in love at first sight?

Not love exactly but maybe a connection at first sight. Never happened to me but I think it could happen.

Name three shows,that you think everyone should watch?(Can be any fandom)

sorry for the late answer haha
well, I think everyone should watch How to get away with murder, Game of Thrones and Sherlock :D

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KRQ: What makes you start tv show? it's because friends tell you about it? or you see one ep on tv and that makes you watch it? or maybe when you see a lot of vids about couple on youtube that makes you watch it? or something else? tell me something about last tv show you started watching :)

Katesrandomquestions’s Profile PhotoKate's Random Questions
I´m catching up so sorry for this laaate answer XD well it depends on the show! the last one I started watching was Riverdale and it was because some friends on collab groups couldnt stop talking about it XD also cause i had seen some vids on yt and it sounded amazing! same with Skam, after watching some Evak vids I really wanted to watch the show! then others like htgawm or spn it was because some friends told me about it or I cause I just saw the trailer and it looked interesting XD

What your ideal amount of seasons on a tv show?

Tricky! I love to have many seasons about a show I love but truth is when it gets too long, it start getting repetitive or it adds lots of plotwist and then can´t keep up with them (read:pll :P) so I think maybe 5 would be great XD
Liked by: Roxane

Name a ship, that when you see your heart instinly melts.

Pacey and Joey! haha they always fill my heart with joy! now, if it I had to talk about a show that was not so old haha I think I´d go with Stiles and Lydia :D

what's your favorite halloween film?

screamliars’s Profile Photomaría✨
sorry for the lateness XD my fave halloween film.... well I usually watch The Nightmare Before Christmas with my nephew and niece on Halloween XD

KRQ: (just 3 simple questions today) Are you usually late, early or right on time? Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more? Your 5 fav foods?(btw it's been a year since I started ask questions, so if you wanna read few words about it http://ask.fm/Katesrandomquestions/answers/140818555542 )

Katesrandomquestions’s Profile PhotoKate's Random Questions
I´m usually late XD well it doesn´t snow where I live (it just snowed one time years ago and it was really shocking haha) but I like rainy days. My fave foods are ... I´m gonna say some of them in spanish cause I dont know how to translate them .... chicken with rice (?), spaghetti, pizza, milanesas con pure XD, asado

📚 BookQuestion: What was your biggest surprise in a story of a book? Can be something you didn’t expect, you didn’t see coming, a twist – anything that surprised you.

JazziBookland’s Profile PhotoJazzi's BookQuestions.
Well I´ve been reading HP again for the thousand time haha and I remember the third book with the Sirius Black storyline was really shocking for me. Sirius was pictured as the betrayer and he was supposed to be after Harry and in the end he was James´best friend and Peter was the traitor and he was Ron´s rat and WHAT? haha I remember it really blew my mind at the moment XD
Liked by: Harriet Jones

Have you ever played tennis?

Nop. To be honest tennis its a sport I've always loved to watch but never really wanted to try. I was lucky a couple of years ago and I could go watch a match between Federer and Del Potro and it was awesome! Really enjoyed it!

KRQ: this question is mainly for fun okay? XD if you would buy a T-shirt for your friend what would be on that t-shirt? like e.g. "I'm a vidder... google it" or "try to make me cry, they cancelled my fav tv show nothing could be worse" or "I'm big fan of bannanas" or idk something like that XD

Katesrandomquestions’s Profile PhotoKate's Random Questions
I think it would be something like... "my otp is still not canon" haha

Opinion on the Shadowhunters season 2 trailer?

ahhhh so excited about it and then so depressed because we have to keep waiting haha loved the malec bit we had and the sneak peeks... love them too! specially the clizzy scene haha

Who r ur NOTPS? :)

Well, I dont have like a couple that I can say... "That's my notp". But I do have couples I do not enjoy, like Harry & Hermione (love them as friends), Hanna & Caleb (everything between them was so rushed and forced last season I just cant enjoy them anymore), Aria & Ezra (never was a big fan of them), Frankie & Nick (I think I mostly disliked Frankie as a character haha she bothered me with Matty too) ... well, I'm pretty sure there're a lot more but these are ones I can think about rn haha

What style do you like to vid the most? (Badass, sad, happy, lots of effects)?

SNProductions’s Profile PhotoSarah Noelle
good question. I vid mostly couples, but I think I prefer happy ones, even though I love the angst. Haha. I made just a couple of multisad but I went through lots of feels while making them so for now I'm stiking mostly woth couples haha
Liked by: Sarah Noelle

📚 BookQuestion: What do you prefer or usually happen to do - read one book after the other (finish one before starting another) or read multiple books at the same time?

JazziBookland’s Profile PhotoJazzi's BookQuestions.
well I prefer to read one after other but what usually happens, or at least what used to happen when I was in college was that I ended up reading multiple books at the same time haha

Btw what is brotp? Is that brothers or just friends? Because I answered your question as my friend otps but if we are talking about brothers that's a whole other story 😂😂

a brotp is like a pairing you ship as bros haha they can be real siblings (like dean/sam) or just really good friends (like stiles/scott). also, they dont have to be all male character even though my examples are haha
Liked by: Sarah Noelle

top five otps?

well I ship lots pf couples so this top 5 changes with my mood haha or with which shoelw I'm more obsess with at the moment. XD
1. Dean&Cas
2. the doctor&River
3 Magnus&Alec
4. Joey&Pacey
5. Connor&Oliver
Liked by: Lola Sarah Noelle

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

Tricky. Mmm maybe Sirius Black. (Ik he's originally from a book but he's in thr movie too haha)

What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

My family, my friends and my stories (the ones I have read and I carry with me and the ones in my head waiting to be written).


Language: English