

Ask @dee2504

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Have you entered book clubs when you first started?... Do you think it's worth it?

Yes, and yes! :-)

What's your number one rule in life?

Respect and honour yourself, what you believe in, and what you stand for.

Have you broken expensive phones? If yes, tell how

A rose quartz crystal 🙈. It’s actually very on brand for me.

Why Do We Feel Jealousy ?

By not being grateful enough for what you have. Your blessings are yours and yours alone, others are theirs. Your energy would be better spent being motivated and working on you. When you count your blessings, they multiply!

What is the thing you think people should do more often?

Self reflection, self constructive criticism, and self praise.

If u love someone and it has been almost one year and they r changing with u ? Is that a bad sign? Or it’s normal?

Depends, not all change is good change.


Language: English