
Dyllan Mamasig

Ask @dyllansbm

I wish you were a girl so I wouldn't feel so homo around you ;D

Well that escalated quickly.......

I saw you around HPU before summer that is and to be honest a lot us thought you were a girl........ So yhea just letting you know

That's cute.

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How many Girlfriends you had and lost them down (you can only put the first letter if you want instead of their names)

Can I just say that I've have had 3 official, 1 undefined relationship, and an unrequited first love? And can I not list their names and say that I did? I don't think about my exes these days, really.

What's the one thing you have a hard time getting over

If you know the characteristics of cancers, then you'll probably know they are very sensitive. I am a sensitive cancer and not being emotional is very hard for me.

What's the girls name or is there more than one

No name dropping. And now that I think about it, there were two who got away.

But you shouldn't even think about her so your not really over her what was so special about her

Well I can still think about the past and there's nothing wrong with that. But let's just there used to be a lot of things that was special.

Will you miss Geraldine Liew? :D :D :D

If this is Geraldine.....no. If this isn't Geraldine asking this.....then yes, yes I will miss her.

Have you moved and got over her

I'd like to think I have. There are days where I think I did and others where I think I didn't. On the bright side, I think of her less and accept the fact we'll probably never see each other again.

What was the one girl/guy that got away

Well the girl that got away was around the beginning of senior year. Too stupid to chase, too heartbroken to do anything.

If you could stop yourself form doing something you regret what would it be

I'd stop myself from telling someone "I love you" before I really meant it.

Is there anyone you miss

Of course there. Why wouldn't I have people I miss. But I'm afraid it's unrequited and they don't miss me at all.

Language: English