

Ask @earflower

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Will Tiba adopts still continue? They're a beautiful species, and you have a wonderful team of artists, so I'd hate to see them just disappear. Of course, if something's in the way, I understand, as things do change.

Thank you! And honestly I've just detached from them, and they're certainly not as special to me at all, so I may try to sell them or simply give the species to someone else? They didn't get much attention though so I doubt I'll do anything else with them; I'm busy with life and moving on with other things.
Liked by: Vintage

What are your worst secret santa experiences? (considering you took part in any)

I'm afraid I didn't get around to it this year!

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What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

haha......probably everything in my younger childhood, especially since I've had time recently to reflect and I didn't have nearly as much leniency to grow and find out who I wanted to be as a child, and the home situation was at it's most unstable. So everything up until these past couple years, actually.

Do you wear a watch?

I used to but I always lose them in bathrooms b/c I take them off when I wash my hands so they don't break.
Plus they look super lame on me lmao
Liked by: happy-stabby

I have a question regarding Tibas; they can have any type of personality, right? Like off-putting or obnoxious or something, as long as their past isn't overly depressing/dramatic? And in anthro/human form, can they do things that wouldn't be allowed in quad form, like use money/have a job, etc.?

Idk I guess for the personalities if that's what you want, but yeah no super drama or super depressing back stories/sob stories. I don't know where you got the idea of human forms because that is absolutely against the rules. They can have an anthro form, of course, and in anthro form they can in fact use money and do whatever the feral form can't, BUT you cannot use any of that when applying to win a design. You are applying for the FERAL design, and while doing so must follow all the rules as such. If (and only if) you win the design that is when you can write a different backstory or do whatever and add an anthro form. If I or any of the other mods see someone trying to bypass the feral Tiba restrictions by adding an anthro form before the Tiba is won, they will be disqualified.
Liked by: happy-stabby

kia nursery babies you were excited to see/want to see?

I only have Leopold because my sister gave him to me, and while I really love that character I honestly don't have time to keep up with or the energy to invest myself in Kiamara's. Sorry. ;n;
Liked by: happy-stabby


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