
Edwin C. Taliaferro

Ask @EdwinCTaliaferro

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I swear I thought she was 16 or something. Lol Didn't want to see you in jail.

Sixteen is the age of consent in NJ so I'd be in the clear anyway...

Your girlfriend looks disturbingly young. She's cute but it's kind of creepy. How old is she?

She'll be 21 in October

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Do you miss anyone right now?

I miss Christian and Ebony any time they're not with me, including now

What is the most played song in your music library?

”I'm good” by The Clipse...not exactly my favorite song, but almost a daily need...it always puts me in a good mood...”Fly as I could ever be, a level of success that you could never see, you jealous man, we in propellers man, think about it ain't shit you could tell us man.”

My question was does she tell you when your out of line in your words."impulsive". Or does she say it's everyone else who has the problem. Your friend gave it to you straight about your cries for help on facebook (or aggressive attempts at getting attention).

Your question works on the biased assumption that I didn't have a point. If you think I was totally wrong I'd welcome you to call me and I can explain myself...but if you're starting from the premise that I was doing nothing but looking for attention then I don't know why Ebony's opinion matters to you one way or another...care to explain it to me? I'm not trying to be nasty, I'm actually curious as to where you're going with this...

Does Ebony ever tell you when you are out of line? From your facebook it looks like she just instigates and it took other people to give it to you real and straight up.

You lost me when you said ”From your Facebook”...You have no idea how close to the situation Ebony was in comparison to those who were giving it to me ”straight up”...I'm sure you mean well because you're not coming off nasty, but it's a flawed conclusion to say that Ebony was just going along with whatever I do just because she didn't publicly admonish me on Facebook, or that those who gave it to me ”straight up” were correct because they know me well enough to give me their honest opinions without thinking I'd be offended.

Did Ebony come see you or did she just let you stay in there?

She came to see me multiple times and brought me anything I asked for.

If Ebony went through the same thing what would you have done?

1. Convince myself that trying to break her out would help no one.
2. Visit her everyday.
3. Bring her anything she wanted or needed that wouldn't get her in further trouble.

Are you angry at April after everything that happened this past week?

Why would I be? She literally had nothing to do with any of this. She actually called my job for me which was a big help. Listen, she and I are never going to be best friends or anything(that's why we aren't together anymore) but this is one time I can say with all certainty that I'm not angry with her in the slightest

Are you and Ebony still together after all this shit????

Short answer, yes.
Long answer, this entire situation only proved to me what I already knew in my heart. That Ebony is down for me in the exact same way that I am for her, that she's seriously one of the most caring people I've ever met in my life, and that I want to spend the rest of my days showing her how much I care about her.

Free Chris! My nigga I can't believe they had you in the back of a squad car! You the most peaceful nigga from Newark I ever met in my life! Nah but for real tho you the only nigga from there I ever met that didn't act like he should pull the slammer out and put holes through your fitted cap...

I'm free...

WTF happened my G?

I already covered this in another response...you'd get your own answer but I'm not in the mood to repeat myself...

Yo real talk my nigga you need your own place. You can't go from having your own for as many years as you did and being a grown man to going back to living at home. None of this shit with your mom would have popped off the way it did if you didn't live in her crib.

Agreed. I'm working on getting my own place again, and it's actually looking like it may be more in the immediate future then I initially thought which would be great. After April and I broke up coming back to Sandford Place with my mom seemed like an easy way to regroup after everything. It was never intended to be a permanent situation and probably shouldn't have gone on as long as it did.

Were you in the psych ward? I heard that's what happened...you hear voices and shit?

That is what happened. It was because of something I said in a text to my father about my mother. However, I never put my hands on anyone or ever intended to...that's not my way I'm non-violent. I don't hear voices or anything like that....if anything I have to work on my impulse control in terms of what I say when I'm angry or upset at someone...I tend to spout off at the mouth very quickly if I feel I'm being disrespected...I think it's a Newark thing, lol. But I'm human and I make mistakes...you live and you learn.

Where the hell did you go for almost a week?

I was committed to the psych ward at University Hospital for six days after a comment I made via text was misinterpreted as a terrorist threat because post 9/11 all harsh words are looked at that way....with that being said I own my actions and shouldn't have said what I said even if I never meant it to be a threat to be taken seriously...If I had better impulse control I wouldn't have put myself in that position so I consider it a lesson learned. But I'm out now and far from crazy.


Language: English